1| The confession

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Amy was a very hardworking student. She always kept pushing her limits when it comes to studies.
It was an usual afternoon. Amy returned home from school completely tired and exhausted. She was having migraine and trembling out of hunger.

Her parents were out for work. She started looking for what the cook had prepared for lunch. She took a quick nap and got freshen up. She was serving her food.

Ding dong, the doorbell rang.
"Door is open please come"
Amy said loudly.
It was nobody but Adir.

"Hey, how you doing buddy"
Adir said with a huge smile.
Amy said with a sad sigh.
"Come let's have lunch"
Amy invited him.

They had lunch and did a little chit chat.
Amy was silent because of migraine and she was just listening to all that adir was saying.
Amy wanted to rest but Adir was not leaving.

She got up and said
"let's meet some other day Adir I'm seriously drained I have to rest for some time"
Amy started going towards her room as she thought that now Adir would leave.

Adir went to her.
He pulled Amy towards himself by her hands.

He started looking into her eyes aggressively and said
"Stop, listen to me"
"Amy I have something to say and I have been keeping it inside myself for a long time"
"There's no reason to hide this from you"
"I can't do it anymore"

"what happened Adir let's sit and talk calmly"
Amy interrupted.

"I can't be calm, I want us to be together"
"I love you Amy"
Adir confessed

"Firstly Adir please calm down"
"What are you saying"
"Are you on your senses"
"We know each other so well you know that I don't feel anything for you"
"Please forget it, we can discuss all these later"
Amy startled.

Adir grabbed her from her shoulder and pushed her against the wall. He completely lost his temper. He was not in his senses.

"Please leave me Adir it's hurting aahh it's it's hurting "
"I promise you we'll talk about it later please leave me"
Amy implored.

Adir left the house angrily.

"This is so wrong."
"My hand ah"
"Why is he so over reacting,I haven't done anything."
"I don't love him, is that my mistake."
"I'm also rejected by someone,But is this a way to treat someone."
"It's so hurting ah"
Amy weeped.

Adir claimed that he loves her but his behavior showed something else.
What will now happen to Amy?
Will adir leave her so easily?
Will adir accept Amy's denial?

People like adir can't digest rejection. The fact that the girl doesn't likes them disturbs them so much that they forget their limits.

Rejection needs to be properly processed before reacting. If a person claims to love someone he/she should atleast be able to respect him/her.

Adir should have dealt with the situation intellectually as a gentleman not as a monster.

We simply call it toxicity. But it contains so much that can ruin a whole life of a girl.

I hope you are able to connect and relate to Amy. Please do let me know how to improve myself.

Read the further parts to find out how Adir's toxicity is going to be a mental turmoil for Amy.

Stay tuned dear readers.

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