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One day, long ago, in Minecraftia the King and Queen had a child. They didn't want him, never planned on having him, so he grew up unloved, and uncared for by his parents. He cared for the people of the kingdom, unlike his parents, and had his grandmother who cared for him.

Sky's grandmother soon passed away but her last words to Sky were: "Remember, someone out there will love you as much as I do." She gave him a golden amulet that had a purple gem in the middle. It gave him hope, for a while...

One day when Sky was 15 he was old enough to take the throne. He would soon have to take over for his father, but his parents were greedy and didn't want this, so they formed a plan to have him murdered, assassinated. They got 5 Knights to do the dirty work while they relaxed, spending their riches.
The 5 knights searched everywhere in the kingdom but never found the young prince. They knew that they would be executed if they came back without having killed the boy. They went back and pretended that they had killed him and the king and queen believed them.

Now he was 18,hidden, and trying to stay safe from the hatred his parents had for him.

And that's when he meets Seto.

(They have clothes from modern times.)

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