Coming Home((stucky))

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PLOT//skinny!steve & soldier!bucky.
Steve didn't get the serum, and the love of his life, Bucky Barnes, goes off to war without him. So Steve waits at home for his lover to return
Word count; 1001
Warnings; Talk of war, talk of death.
A/N; if you ever have a request for readerx(character/singer) just message me! Or if you want a imagine just message me with the following
-person you want a imagine w/
-facts about you
-type of imagine(long/short/more than one part)
-idea on what happens

Steve never wanted Bucky to go off to war. At least not without him. Steve's fragile body couldn't hold all the anxiety he had. what if he got captured, or worse killed! Are the kinds of thoughts that run through his head all day when he's sat at home drinking his coffee, trying to get work done at the office, and most commonly, when he's trying to sleep, but Bucky's side of the best is always empty.

But today, today was different. Steve rushed out of the best, throwing on someone's shirt -his or Bucky's, he didn't know but he didn't care- and he turned on the small radio the had in the kitchen of their shared apartment.

"Today, June 17th, 1945, marks the day all the brave soldiers come home. Run to time square and kiss your loved ones. Hug your son and tell him how much you appreciate him. Hug your brother and forget that sibling fighting for once. Then remember the soldiers that gave their life for your freedom." the broadcaster announced.

Steve threw on his oversized jacket, slipped on his best shoes and ran out the door, not caring if he locked it or not.

Once he got down to time square, he heard the chattering and sobs of people all around him. Women throwing themselves onto men in sharp, pressed uniforms. Steve sighed and remember the spot Bucky promised him that he would meet him.

"Once I come home, we can meet up at the little diner on the corner, the one where I first asked you out" Bucky's smile spread, his eyes sparkling. Steve laughed silently and kissed his boyfriends cheek "of course doll"

Steve rushed over to the spot, hoping to see Bucky's tall, lean figure standing there with his arms wide open. But he wasn't. Even though he tried to push the thoughts out of his head, he couldn't help but think 'what if something happened?, what if he got sick and didn't make it' He took a deep breath and walked into the diner. He sat down at the table in the farthest corner, Angie, a good friend of Steve's, walked over, ignoring her costumers, and sat down.

"Hey pal, you okay? Where's Bucky?" She asked, concern in her voice. This broke Steve. A tear fell down his bony cheeks. "I didn't see him out there Ang, what if he-" Angie cut him off. "you listen here" she said sharply. "he was in the 107th, correct?" Steve nodded. "I heard from a soldier this morning there flight got delayed. He'll be here Steve, he wouldn't let you down. You're his motivation you know" She smiled gently. Steve nodded and whipped away his tears. He looked up at her and smiled, "I'll have the usual cup of tea" he said quietly, trying to not let his voice give out on him.

"You got it bud" she said, walking off.

A few moments later she showed up with his tea, and his usual sandwich. Steve looked at her "Ang, I didn't order a sandwich" Angie smiled at him "it's on the house, from me and the guys" Steve looked around her to see Hugo, the cook and also a good friend of his, giving him a smile that screamed sympathy. Steve smiled and looked down. "thanks, I guess" he looked up and Angie was gone, serving one of the regulars.


Hours and hours passed by, and Bucky still wasn't home. Steve was sat at the kitchen table, a pencil in his hand, his sketch book below him, and I cup of coffee laid next to his hand. Steve looked down at his sketch, it was of Bucky. The last time Steve saw Bucky was when he was going away, dressed in his uniform, looking as handsome as ever. The thought of him looking like that, an award winning smile plastered on his face, was a mental imagine burned into Steve's eyelids. He looked at the clock and realized it was almost 12:00am. Steve chugged down the rest of his coffee as he went to get a refill. What he didn't notice was that Bucky was just after walking through the door, although Steve did have the radio up louder than normal. Bucky smiled to himself as he heard Steve humming along to 'Can't help falling in love' by Elvis.

Bucky placed his bags by their couch and walked into the kitchen. Being meet with Steve's scrawny little back, swaying back and forth to the music. Bucky quietly walked over to the table, and saw what Steve was drawing.

"You know, I seriously think you should do something professional with your skills" Bucky said, causing Steve to whip around, not caring if he dropped his mug or not. "Buck" he shouted, tears falling down his face. He rushed over and threw himself into Bucky, like what all the women today were doing. Bucky held the fragile boy tight. "GID buck, I missed you, don't you ever to that again Damnit" he sighed, Bucky laughed "not a chance will I ever go again" he said, placing a kiss on his boyfriends lip, getting the taste of mint and coffee.

"God I missed you" Bucky sighed against his lips. Steve pulled back and lightly slapped Bucky's chest. "do you know how many times I thought you were dead?!" He scolded his boyfriend as if he as a little kid who ate candy before dinner when his mother told him not to. "Jesus, I would hear stuff on the radio and be living in fear" he sighed against the soldiers chest.

"Hey listen baby, I wouldn't dream of leaving you. I'm with you 'till the end of the line, wether you like it or not" Bucky smiled. Steve sighed "we should be getting to bed, I bet you're exhausted" Steve said quietly, as the two walked off to their bedroom, Bucky's hand wrapped around Steve's, where it was supposed to be, not holding a gun or grenade.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2015 ⏰

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