{Chapter 1}

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As the smoke cleared and the flames died down, the devastation of the manor was impossible to ignore. The once grand estate was reduced to rubble, charred remains of what was once a thriving home. But the most heartbreaking sight of all was the lifeless bodies that lay scattered among the wreckage.

In the midst of the chaos, the only survivor emerged. Elizabeth, just twelve years old, was found near the edge of the property, barely conscious and clinging to life. It was a miracle that she had survived the inferno, but as she was brought to safety, it became clear that her ordeal was far from over.

Questions swirled around the small town as news of the tragedy spread. Who could have done such a thing? Who could be capable of setting fire to a home where innocent lives resided? As the authorities combed through the debris, searching for clues, the fear and uncertainty only grew.

But amidst the turmoil, one thing was certain. Elizabeth's world had been shattered in an instant, leaving her with nothing but questions and a deep sense of loss. And as she was taken in by a foster family, she could only wonder who had caused this devastation and why. The answers seemed elusive, but one thing was for sure – the truth behind the arson would come to light, no matter what. And Elizabeth was determined to uncover the mystery, no matter the cost.


Elizabeth sat on her bed, staring blankly at the charred remains of what used to be her family home. The memories of that fateful night played over and over in her mind like a broken record.

It had been just a month ago when the fire tore through the house, claiming the lives of her parents and younger brother. Elizabeth had been out with friends, celebrating her birthday when the call came. She had rushed home, only to find her world crumbling around her in flames.

Now, she was living with a new family - foster parents who seemed kind on the surface, but behind closed doors, they were cruel and abusive. They would berate her, hit her, and constantly remind her that she was lucky to have a roof over her head.

But as Elizabeth sat there, tears welling in her eyes, she couldn't shake the feeling that the fire hadn't been an accident. It felt too intentional, too malicious. She couldn't help but wonder, who did this? Who would want to destroy her family and leave her with nothing but pain and sorrow?

The thought made her stomach churn with fear and uncertainty. She knew she had to find out the truth, no matter how painful it might be. Because until she knew who was responsible for the fire that took everything from her, she would never find peace. Elizabeth could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she lay on the cold, hard ground, gasping for breath. She had never been so scared in her entire life.

She had decided to defy her foster parents' orders and go outside for a walk. She needed to get away from the constant taunting and belittling that she endured on a daily basis. But as soon as she stepped out of the house, she was met with a group of bullies who had been waiting for her.

They had cornered her, surrounded her, and started hurling insults and threats at her. Elizabeth had tried to stand up for herself, but she was quickly overpowered by their sheer numbers and aggression.

The beating had been brutal. They had punched and kicked her, taunting her all the while. Elizabeth had fought back as best she could, but she was no match for them. She felt her strength fading fast, and she knew that she was on the brink of death.

But just as she was about to give up hope, a boy appeared out of nowhere. He was around her age, with a determined look in his eyes. He had fought off the bullies with a fierce intensity, saving Elizabeth from certain doom.

As she lay there, battered and bruised, Elizabeth couldn't help but wonder: who was this boy? And why had he risked his own safety to save her? She knew that she had to find out the answers to these questions, no matter what it took. And so, as she slowly regained her strength, she vowed to uncover the truth behind her savior's identity. And she swore that she would never forget the debt of gratitude she owed him.


Elizabeth's eyes fluttered open, the harsh lights of the hospital room causing her head to ache. She tried to sit up, but a sharp pain shot through her side, causing her to wince. She looked down at the bandages wrapping around her chest, a feeling of dread settling in her stomach.

She turned her head and saw the boy sitting on a chair by her bedside, his eyes filled with concern. "You're awake," he said softly, as if afraid to startle her. "How are you feeling?"

Elizabeth tried to speak, but her throat felt dry and scratchy. She swallowed hard before managing to croak out, "What happened?"

The boy shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his gaze falling to the floor. "You were attacked," he said quietly. "Those same bullies that have been tormenting you for weeks, they...they went too far this time."

Elizabeth's heart pounded in her chest as she tried to process his words. She had known those bullies were trouble, but she never imagined they would resort to violence. "Who did this to me?" she whispered, her voice barely audible.

The boy hesitated, his expression darkening. "I don't know for sure," he admitted. "But I have my suspicions. And I promise you, I won't rest until we find out who is responsible for this."

Elizabeth felt a surge of gratitude towards the boy who had always been there for her, even when no one else had. She reached out and took his hand, squeezing it tightly. "Thank you," she said, her voice filled with determination. "We will find out who did this. And they will pay for what they've done."

Elizabeth's head was pounding as she slowly regained consciousness. She tried to stand up, but her legs felt like jelly and she wobbled unsteadily. With a gasp, she stumbled forward, bracing for impact with the hard ground.

But before she could hit the floor, a strong pair of arms wrapped around her waist, preventing her from falling further. Elizabeth's heart raced as she looked up to see a boy standing in front of her, his face flushed with embarrassment.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.

Elizabeth nodded, unable to find her voice. She tried to push herself off of him, but her legs refused to cooperate. The boy held her steady, his grip firm and reassuring.

"I'm sorry," he stammered, his cheeks turning an even deeper shade of red. "I didn't mean to startle you. I just saw you fall and I wanted to make sure you were okay."

Elizabeth managed a weak smile, grateful for his help. But as she took in her surroundings, a wave of confusion washed over her. How did she end up on the ground? And more importantly, who was responsible for her fall?

As Elizabeth tried to piece together the events leading up to her collapse, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. She couldn't remember anything that could have caused her to lose her balance so suddenly.

With a determined look in her eyes, Elizabeth turned to the boy and blushed a Light red.

".......My parents are going to kill me....."

Word count: 1295

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