1. The new kids

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This story is based on the movie :) 

Well....Kind off...

Comment please and tell me what you think!


“A what ball?” I scrunched my face in confusion oblivious to this word.

Hannah rolled her eyes as if I should know this, “A masquerade ball.”

“Eh,” I sighed fidgeting with my lock before I snapped it open. “You’re in the school committee think of good ideas!”

“Hey!” Hannah protested. “Come on Hazel, you never do any of this stuff.”

“Cause I’m anti social,” I shoved the remainder of my books into my backpack and slammed my locker shut.

Crossway high wasn’t a big school or was it small. Perfect sized actually. It was typical and too typical. The jocks, cheerleaders, populars and the inbetweeners. I tried to stay out of all social groups, not wanting to be part of societies display. I grew up in the town ofCrossway. It wasn’t one of those small towns where everybody-knows-everybody and you get that one reputation. No, this place was big. It was so big that they actually divided it into two parts. The Granite side and us, Riptide. But the fact that the town was big wasn’t the only reason it was divided into two. The towns had MAJOR issues ever since the civil war. Both sides don’t talk to each other, the kids don’t make relation ships neither to the parents. Expect of one person, Becky Jay. But she eventually got kicked out by the Mayor, Brooks –yours truly- father, I’m telling you know this isn’t the mayors-daughter-such-a-sweetie-always-goes-to-church-and-listens type of thing. No, No I snuck out far to many times and ditched school.

“Guess what I heard,” Hannah smiled.

“Huh?” I raised an eyebrow and walked out to be greeted with a giant ray of sunlight and kids chatting on the Crossroad steps.

“A granites coming here.”

“Oh really?’ I said sarcastically.

“I’m not lying, your dad didn’t tell you yet? He got transferred because Granite couldn’t handle him. He’s portrayed as “The bad boy of Granite.”

This caused me to laugh and pat Hannah’s back as we walked on the perfectly paved sidewalk.

“This is big news for us! You know what I heard? Back in his old school he made out with one of his teachers to get an A! One of the many reasons he’s moving.”

 “And this should be a good thing for Riptide, why?”

“We could always use a bad boy.”

I laughed again and smiled heading into the sugar bowl. This kind of became a tradition. Me and Hannah became friends since kindergarten when I started a food fight in the play room and we both took shelter in the fun house maze. We instantly became friends and after that we snuck out to the sugar bowl while our moms where arguing about who started it first.

“Hey Beth,” I smiled taking a seat on one of the classic red spinning bar stools.

She placed a chocolate gummy double chunk for me and a strawberry burst cake on the table for Hannah. Everyday she knew our order. Everyday it was ready for us.

“Hey girls,” Courtney smiled leaning her hands onto the desk.

 “Bonjur,” I replied. “When does your shift end?”

“Not till another hour,” Courtney groaned emptying out the tray of cookie dough.

Courtney was also along with our trio, Me and Hannah had been friends lnger but with court it felt like you knew her forever.  We actually started off like enimes. Tjose are the best friendships right? We were both obsessed with this guy Cleven, and when we went on a school field trip to a ski area, we well..cause an accident. And he ended up in the hospital we both had to wait in the waiting area for at least 3 hours so we ended up having a lot in common.

“Oh come on, I wanted to go to the beach!” Groaned Hannah.

“Oh god.” Smirked Courtney.

 I looked up from my ice cream,”What?”

She was looking at the t.v screen.

“Hes coming tomorrow afternoon and joining Crossway high. Many report of him getting into gang fights and abuse..........."

“People are over reacting about this guy coming.  Who even cares? And how does he even look like? A” I asked.

“Not sure but every ones saying that he lived in Riptide, went to Granite than back here.” Beth popped out from the closet. 

‘Well it all seems stupid to me.” I finished my treat and pushed it aside. "Take my food bitch."

Court rolled her eyes,"You guys go along to the beach., I'll catch up."

I smiled,"Ok.But hurry!"

Me and Hannah hopped off our seats.

Who even is this mystery boy? His reputantion semed similar, but it couldn't be. 

He left and he's not coming back.



So there it is! More explaining later on!

Haha, vote comment fan?

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