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Shubman woke up to the sound of his phone ringing at 2 in the morning. He already knew who it was. Ofcourse he had a specific ringtone set for a special someone in his life. With his eyes still closed, he grabbed the phone and recieved the call. The phone hadn't even reached to his ear yet when the caller began speaking..

"Get down here soon. It's freezing"

"Yea" shubman said yawning lazily unable to think rationally in his half asleep state.

He heard Ishan grunt from the other side of the line.

"Get your ass off your bed and let me in right now. I'm here in front of your door."

Shubman was about to complain that it was such an ungodly hour to be getting out of bed but he quickly realised the boy's last statement and shot open his eyes, sitting on the bed.

"You what? What are you doing here? At this time?"

"A lot of things makes no sense. I can't sleep because of it and you need to help me with that" said Ishan.

"And why do you need only my help?" asked shubman with a hint of mischief in his voice as he gets out of the bed and finds for shirt to wear.

"Because you're- OH, WHY don't you just let me inside??? Do you want me to freeze to death?" Ishan huffs.

Shubman almost laughed at the boy's cute complains but he heard the sound of his teeth chattering causing him to get worried and rush to get him inside.

Ishan was now inside Shubman's room, sitting on the bed while shubman was standing there wondering what brought the boy to visit him at that time. Whom are we kidding? He was mostly admiring how adorable ishan looked at that moment but hey, nobody needs to know that.

"Stop staring at me like that and sit down. I know I'm cute." Ishan says proudly flipping his mullet to which shubman laughed before sitting next to the boy.

"So what made you come here at this time?" he asked.

"You" said Ishan while glaring at him.

Shubman knew ishan for years and his glares had no effect on him at all by now.

"But what did I do?" Shubman asked clearly confused.

"Nothing is making sense right now. I have all these complicated feelings whenever I look at you and you are confusing me so much that I feel like I'm losing my mind and i-"
"Woah kid, slow down" the boy was cutoff.

"Let me fucking finish Shubman. Before I start going crazy" warned Ishan.

Shubman surrendered raising his hands up.

"I never felt these things about you before. You know? Like we were just close friends who have a very close bond.. well except for when we were out for the matches and I got sick and you took care of me and also hugged me to sleep because I kept shivering. The time you asked me to dance with you in a party because you're such a loser to ask any girl. But-"

Shubman was confused by the sudden pause.

"That's not my point" ishan continues.

Now Shubman was trying not to smile thinking Ishan would misunderstand it as making fun of him. But whom do we blame? Shubman somewhere knew where the conversation was going and couldn't contain his giddiness.

The things had already made sense to Shubman. A really long back actually.

"So what exactly do you want to say meri jaan?" asks Shubman trying his level best not to explode into his oh so charming dimpled smile.

"I don't know exactly... I just... I just thought those feelings would go away and and-" ishan stuttered.

"And?" Shubman asked giving away to his excitement.

Ishan replied irritatedly..
"Suddenly you started spending your time with Yashaswi and laught at all his jokes with that stupid laughter but that cute- i mean that stupid laughter was only for me and I feel so fucking crazy that I want to pull you in a headlock because i was jealous but I can't because i care for you. Like I seriously care for your stupid ass and I was afraid that you will leave me because I'm not as tall as him and I have a really bad temper and I'm always so loud and annoyin-"

His ranting was aggressively cut of by shubman grabbing him by his shoulder saying
"You're so stupid to think that I would leave you."

Ishan was about to scold Shubman for calling him stupid but got shocked when his warm fingers started rubbing his cheeks so softly.

"Well- i-"
Ishan was now looking down because the tender gaze from Shubman had his tummy swirling with butterflies.

"We are best friends and it irritates me that I have those feelings for you when I don't even know if you are also as confused as me. Maybe I'm the only one going crazy here."

"Well yeah. You're the only confused one here".

Ishan felt his heart broken when shubman said that but the feeling was gone making him feel bewildered as soon as he felt Shubman's lips pecking on his.

But even before he could react, he felt Shubman moving his lips away from his own, foreheads connected and their noses slightly touching as Shubman pulled him to sit on his lap.

"Because-" shubman continues..

"I was already in love with you. And. Are you sure with your feelings now?" Shubman whispers slightly moving away to look at ishan's face, that stupid dimpled smile not leaving his face.

Ishan nods looking deep into his eyes as he grabbed the collar of shubman's shirt, connecting their lips again in a kiss contrasting to the innocent one they shared a moment ago.


Well it's my first time publishing something out of my drafts. If anyone happened to read this. Hope you enjoyed it! Thankyou.

- dumpster fire 🎀

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