The morning before school PART 1

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Sunset groans as she slowly opens her eyes and she looks around her room. She sighs as she remembers the night prior. She looks toward her nightstand to check the time, and it says "5:31 A.M." Sunset sighs since its about 30 minutes before she usually wakes up.

Then Sunset remembers her back and how much pain her body was in last night.  Sunset slowly sits up and she feels some pain crawl up her back and into her shoulder blades.  Her eyes widen as she realizes she has school today. "Oh... fuck..." Sunset mutters as she thinks about how everyone is gonna hate her more since she turned into a raging she-demon.

She tears up as she knows everyone will glare at her now and probably treat her how she treated them. Sunset knows she deserved it... all the pain and hate she's gonna get. Even the girls will probably hate her, and will probably be fake. At least Sunset will have Twilight even though she'll be gone for another 30 moons.

Sunset gets off her bed, and walks to her bathroom. She looks into the mirror, and sees how bad she looks. Her eyes are still red and puffy a little bit from the night prior and her hair is all messy. Sunset sighs as she stares into the mirror before she starts to get ready...

-7:08 A.M.-

Sunset walks out of her house and she walks onto her motorcycle. She dreads going to school and she wishes she could go back to Equestria. Sadly the portal will be closed for the next 30 moons, and what is Celestia gonna do when Sunset goes back?

She knows she could just skip school, but she needs to work on the entrance with Snips and Snails and go to detention for about the next month and a half. Sunset gets on her motorcycle and drives to school.

-7:21 A.M.-

Sunset pulls into the parking lot behind the school so no one sees her. "I have to go... Sunset you have to go..." Sunset tells herself as she slowly walks up to the front of the school. She walks by the Statue portal and leans against the side of it. Everyone walking by her glares at her.

"SUNSET! HEY! OVER HERE!" a familiar optimistic voice yells.

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