Chapter 1

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"Peyton what are you still doing here!?"her teacher asked her. School was over and she was sitting in the front of the school on the stairs.
"My parwents fowgot to come and gwet me." She said with puppy dog eyes and pouty lips. She was only five and 3'4".
"Oh Peyton I'm sorry come on I'll call them for you." The teacher who Peyton literally called teacher because she couldn't remember her name took her hand and brought her inside the school. She looked up her file and called Peyton's mother Lucia, who was a Afro Brazilian, and she never answered. Next she called Peyton's father Braden, who was Irish and Swedish, and he didn't answer either.
Peyton didn't have anymore listing under her file and her teacher had somewhere to be. "Peyton, honey we have to go to the police station come on."
"Oway." She buckled Peyton into the back sit and then made her way to the police station. Once she got there she rushed out and picked Peyton up.
" Hi I'm Ms.Maldonado and this is Peyton. I'm in a hurry I have a family emergency and her parents didn't pick her up from school or respond to my calls." Her teacher told one of the officers.
"Ok ma'am she's fine here, I'll help her, you can go" officer Daniel said. Peyton hugged her teacher and waved goodbye. Officer Daniel called social services and asked Peyton some questions. " so Peyton how old are you?"
"Five ywears old"
" what's your last name?"
" Whats your mother's name?"
" Um okayyy , how about your father's name?"
"Alright, thank you Peyton! Um some people are going to talk to you now follow me you can play right here. They will be here shortly." He gave her some paper and a pencil to draw. When he got back to his desk he search up her family name and found her parents. They were proclaimed dead earlier in the day due to a car accident. All her mothers family were in Brazil and her father only had one relative in the U.S. on his fathers side, that was a half brother.
When social services arrived he notified them of the situation. They figured it was best for Peyton to live with her uncle rather than move to Brazil. So they called Peyton's uncle Dylan and asked him to take her in. He was hesitant at first but figured it was the right thing to do, considering he was one of the only options.
He lived in Oregon so it would take him an hours to head to Nevada. While social services waited for her uncle to arrive they went to talk to Peyton. "Hi Peyton I'm Ms. Crenshaw, what did you draw?"
"Hi, oh um I drew me with mommy and papa! I wuv them so much, why they not here yet?" Ms. Crenshaw felt so bad and so did officer Daniel, they couldn't break the news to her.
"Well Peyton mommy and papa went far far away but they told me to tell you to be a good girl, and that they love you very much. They are always looking out for you and this is something they really had to do okay?"
"Oway, but who will take carw of me?" She asked with tear coming from her eyes and her signature pout.
"Don't cry sweetie! You'll be well cared for by your uncle Dylan" Ms.Crenshaw informed her.
" I don't have an uncle Dywan ms."
"You've never met him but he's your papa's brother and he is a great guy."
"If you say so." Peyton went back to drawing as the adults talked some stuff over. After an hour past Dylan( picture above) came through the door. When his eyes found Peyton a stray tear escaped from his eye. He walked up to her and popped a squat.
"Hi, Peyton I'm your uncle Dylan! You are going to be staying with me for a while.
"Hi uncle Dywan." Peyton gave him a big hug which he returned. Dylan thought she was the cutest thing ever. When he released her he greeted the others and signed some papers. After they gave him Peyton's records he picked her up and left the station.
"Where are we going?" Peyton said and twisted her head to the side.
"Well ladybug we are stopping at your house to get some stuff and then heading to my place." He and Peyton drove to her house, packed her a bag of clothes, toys, and photos. Then they headed to the pack house.
Peyton fell asleep on the way there so once they arrived he shook her, but to no avail did she wake up. Dylan carried her inside and she laid her head in the crook of his neck. When Dylan entered the pack house the Alpha and Luna were standing there. When they saw Peyton their hearts melted.
Peyton must of felt eyes on her because she woke up without haste and lifted her head. She saw two people staring at her like she was a puppy and put her face back in Dylan's neck. "Peyton don't be afraid, these are my great friends Kate and Eddie." Uncle Dylan informed her.
"Hi little angle!" Luna Kate said while alpha Ed just waved and smiled.
"Hi ." Peyton squeaked out. Luna Kate and alpha Ed awwwed and remembered their son Noah when he was a little munchkin.
"Peyton just call me auntie Kate and Eddie uncle Ed, if you ever need anything just ask us or anyone around here. Omg she's adorable, the daughter I never had!" Luna Kate gushed.
"Ok thank you vewy much." Peyton said and gave her and alpha a hug. She then jumped out of Dylan's arms and everyone was even more surprised at how small she was. "Where is my room?"
"Well Peyton it was short notice of you coming here so you can stay in a room with one of the other kids for just tonight. Tomorrow I will arrange a room at my house for you, but because it's late you'll stay here." Dylan told her.
Peyton was hysterical after that she started scream and crying while gripping the life out of Dylan's leg. "Nooo uncle Dywan, you can't leawve me too !" Everyone was trying to calm her down and ease her on staying the night at the pack house but she wasn't hearing it. She just kept wailing.
"Ok Peyton how about you can stay with me tonight ok ?" Dylan asked.
"Okayyy you prowmise?" Peyton asked and held out her pinky. Dylan laughed and they shook pinkies. Dylan and Peyton left the pack house and drove a couple of blocks to his house. He made a quick dinner for both of them and let Peyton watch her favorite movie The Lion King. Peyton fell asleep in the middle of the movie so Dylan removed her shoes and socks. He placed her in his bed upstairs and grabbed a pillow and sheet. He walked back down stairs to the sofa and went to sleep.

Two hours later- 1:30

Peyton woke up and looked around the foreign place she was at. She started crying and calling for her daddy because he always made her and her mom feel safe. Dylan awoke from his sleep and rushed to her.
"Shhh shh it's ok ladybug, come on." he picked her up and went downstairs to the sofa. He laid down and laid her on his chest and she went back to sleep peacefully.

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