Chapter 1

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Ahsoka Tano

"I'm sorry Master, but I'm not coming back," Those words kept repeating in Ahsoka's mind as she walked down the stairs of the Jedi Temple. All of her memories of her and Anakin went through her mind. "Your reckless little one, you might have not made it as Obi Wan's padawan, but yo might make it as mine," these memories brought tears to Ahsoka's eyes. She sat down on the last step of the Jedi Temple and just sat there, tears coming down her tan cheeks for what like felt like days, but it was only just ten standard minutes. She stood up and wiped the tears away.

She was alone, tired and also hungry. Also, she remembered she had no credits whatsoever. "Great, now how am I going to get something to eat?" She asked herself, annoyed. She sat on an abandoned crate thinking where she would go if she got a ship, legally or elegally. "I could go to a neutral planet, maybe Mandalore or maybe Onderon. But first, I need to eat I'm totally starving," she said to herself. Ahsoka saw a restaurant just ahead. "Okay, I have no credits so I might as well think of something," she whispered to herself walking over to the counter, suddenly and idea struck her. She sat down in front of the waiter and waved her hand in front of him. "You will get me the day special to go and free of charges and forget I was ever here," she said as he repeated what she said and went to the back room. A few minutes later he came back with her food, she grabbed it and went to an alley way just besides the restaurant.

She sat down on the abandoned crate she sat on earlier and ate her food. After she finished it she threw the bag into a dumpster and laid down against a wall just behind the crate and tried falling asleep. A few minutes of struggling to fall asleep later, she finally fell asleep.

Two hours later she woke up and streched herself. "I better get going if I want to get off world. But the question is how..." She said to herself. Suddenly thought about her lightsabers, "But first, I need to try and find my lighsabers..."

That's all for now guys I really, really need to get started on my second chapter....

But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!

I'm coming back, Skyguy. ... -An Ahsoka Tano Fanfiction-Where stories live. Discover now