Blood Lust Pack

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I ran. I pushed myself to run faster and faster. That was another perk of being a white wolf. I was one of the fastest wolves alive.

As I ran faster, I slowly heard the sounds of their paws die away.

I stopped and inhaled a deep breath. I have been running for 6 hours and am exhausted.

I quickly shifted and untied my clothes from around my ankle. I got dressed and climbed a nearby tree. I rested on a branch and just stare up at the stars.

My name is Faith. I have been running since I had my first shift. On my sixteenth birthday, I shifted into a pure white wolf. Immediately word spread around that a white wolf is alive. Every alpha in the country wants me.

My 19th birthday was a week ago, marking 3 years that I have been hiding. I steal clothes from abandon houses. I hide my face and beg for food on the streets. When I'm lucky, I get enough money to sit at a restaurant.

It's not fun, being on the run. It makes it harder to find my mate, all my running. I haven't settled in a pack since my sixteenth birthday. I am a rogue and will most likely continue to be for my life.

The last time I saw my parents was 3 years ago. As soon as they refused to give me up, the told me to run. I was sitting in a tree and watched everything that happened.

My alpha, at the time, ordered his men to tie them up. He tortured them, trying to force them to give me up. Every time, they would refuse. He would get angrier everyday.

One day, he lost it. He cracked my dads neck. My dad fell limp to the ground and my mother cried for the loss of her mate. I had been sitting in the tree for 4 days.

I finally ran.

I couldn't watch anymore, and I should have already been gone 4 days before. I knew my mother would be disappointed if my father died for nothing. She would want me safe.

Everyday I get farther away from my olds pack territory. I run into a new territory every other day. They immediately realize who I am, and they want me.

The pack that was just chasing me was the Dark Moon pack. A very weak pack that would definitely need my assistance. However, I will not provide it to them. I do not trust alphas.

All alphas are greedy and only want power. That is why I haven't helped a pack, and have stayed a rogue. I can help myself. I am my own alpha.

I allow myself to slowly fade off to sleep. I was on the very edge of sleep when I sensed them. Another pack, headed right towards me.

I raised my nose and sniffed, they were about 10 minutes away from me. I hopped out of the tree and ran away from them. I ran for 2 hours and couldn't sense them anymore. I climbed another tree and went to the highest branch.

I stayed still for an hour when I sensed them again. I was too tired to run anymore. I lacked a good night rest. My eyes were droopy and my back was in pain from sleeping in trees too much.

Another half an hour passed when I finally heard them. I looked down as they all passed underneath the tree I was in. When the last wolf passed, I inwardly laughed. Idiots.

I finally allowed myself to fall asleep, now that I was finally safe.

I slowly opened my eyes and found myself still in the same tree I fell asleep in.

I look down and see wolves resting underneath a tree about 30 feet away from mine. I tense up. Do they know I'm here?

"She's awake." Someone called.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2015 ⏰

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