Some basic rules and regulations

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1- Please follow this profile for all updates . 

2- All competitions that will be held here are friendly in nature and no unhealthy competitiveness will be promoted . 

3- Entries that win each contest will be featured on our page and in our works . 

4- There will be prizes for all the winners in all the categories . 

5- Entries that are submitted late or not in the proper manner will be disqualified . 

6- Only entries that are written on one of the topics given for that paticular contest will be accepted . 

7- Please don't forget to add this story to your library . 

8- The due date for all contests here will only be announced after at least five entries have been submitted . This is to ensure proper competition and so nobody wins automatically . 

9- The entries have to be submitted in two manners , the links to your entries have to best in the comment section of the book as well as personal message to ensure that your entry is not missed out.

10- The first contest here is a poetry contest and five topics will be given . Writers can choose any one of the topics and write a poem on that . Once you have submitted the poem to the profle then no changes are allowed to be made . 

11- All entries have to be original work of the author and have to be submitted in poetry format only . 

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