Meeting Sookie

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(Dahlia's POV)

"Bill...when am I meeting the girl you have been fucking with...oh forgot her name" I said sitting in the lounge room at Bill's mansion next to the new vampire Jessica.

"Dahlia....I'm just warning you if you be mean to sookie or even lay a hand on her...I'll rip your fucking head clean off" bill said walking in the lounge room.

"Oh sookie is her name...I was just telling Jessica here that she may be a slut" I said making Jessica laugh.

"I fucking agree" Jessica said drinking her bottle of true blood.
"Hey!!! Watch your motherfucking mouth dahlia" bill said.

"At least I don't fuck my mother like you do" I said laughing. Bill vamp sped to me and grabs me by the throat.

"That's it I'll take you to the sherif Eric northman" bill said then I laughs even more.

"Please do..Eric northman is so fucking hot...he is so good at fucking me from behind" I said then bill looks like he's gonna be sick. He walks upstairs.

"Eww you and Eric fucked" Jessica said then walks upstairs. I grabs a bottle of true blood and drinks it. A long blonde haired girl walks through the front door. I vamp sped in front of her showing my fangs. Thank god its night.

"Who the fuck are you" I said.

"I'm sookie stackhouse and I'm here for bill" she replied.

" So your the motherfucker who's been fucking my big brother...I'm dahlia Compton Bill's sister" I said then bill appeared.

"Hey sookie...i apologize for my sister's behavior...wanna go out to dinner" bill asked.

"Yeah sure i'd love that" sookie said.

"Dahlia...I trust you to watch Jessica" bill said then left with sookie. Jessica walks downstairs.

"Hey Jessica wanna come to fangtastia" I asked her.

"Fuck that...bill will kill us" Jessica said.

"Fuck bill...your a vampire now need to live a little...have fun..hook up with guys or girls if you prefer...its better than being stuck in this mansion bored as fuck" I said then she smiles.

" Well what are we waiting for" Jessica said then we vamp sped to fangtastia.

(Jason stackhouse's pov)

I sat at merlottes when sookie and bill walks in and sits at a table. I sat with Hoyt and terry talking about women. I can't get over that vampire dahlia. I hate vampires but damn she's fucking sexy. Sookie walks over to me.

"Fucking hell sookie...don't tell me you read my mind" I snapped at her.

" Yes I did and dahlia is a mean vampire who doesn't care about anyone but herself...she insults people" sookie said.

"Jason calm the fuck down" Hoyt said then I stands up. Sam and tara looks at me.

"You can say nothing... your fucking bill who is a fucking vampire about you stay out of my head and mind your own fucking business!!!" I yelled then walks out of merlottes. I bumps into crystal again. We both took vampire blood together to get high then We goes back to her house and I fucked her hard all night long.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2015 ⏰

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