Beautiful or Beautiful.

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"You'll look beautiful." That's what Claudia said; those were the words that slipped through her lips as Madeleine looked into the mirror. Her red locks lay in soft waves around her face, the curls framing her features like a painting. Claudia had wanted to do her lover's hair; it was a normal thing to show affection and care with small gestures like this. And Madeleine felt a warmth in her non beating heart whenever Claudia's fingers graced her skin.

There was no particular reason they were doing this; they weren't going anywhere special except up into the woods to look at the stars. The sun couldn't touch their skin, of course, for if it did, it would burn them, but the two lovers could make due with the moon and its dancing lights. They could dance if they felt up to it; they could move their feet and hips to the rhythm of the night and lose each other in the music of the crickets and rustling leaves.

And then, they could feel as beautiful as they were and forget all that had happened in the past. They would be human in all but physical form. "I won't," Madeleine said suddenly, her eyes staring right back at her as she looked at herself. She could see herself sitting there, Claudia behind her, still brushing her hair and putting hairpins and flowers in each delicate swirling red curl. Beautiful—that's what Claudia had called her, though Madeleine didn't feel that way most days.

"You won't, what, mon amour?" Claudia questioned, her fingers weaving the daisies and baby breath flowers into Madeleine's hair with practiced precision. "I won't look beautiful," Madeleine answered, her voice barely above a whisper. "Not compared to you." Claudia chuckled softly, her reflection smiling back at Madeleine in the mirror. "Me? But look at me." Claudia finished weaving one last flower in Madeleine's hair before she took a step back.

Claudia's dress was yellow, with embroidered flowers and little white dots that danced along the fabric like a whimsical melody. Madeleine made that dress, of course, years before, before they ran away to live in the woods, where their hearts could dance freely without the constraints of society. It fit the girl's body perfectly, but that's just what Claudia was: a girl, a woman trapped in a girl's body. Her clothes used to make her look older and more mature than she actually was.

"I'm a woman, trapped in a girl's body, never growing, never aging, forever a little girl," Claudia pointed out. "But you're a beautiful girl," Madeleine answered. "Maybe I am, yet you, my love, mon cher amant, have grown older in time and despite how old I truly am. And despite how many years I lived, you shall always be the most beautiful woman I know." And as Claudia stood there, letting those words fly from her mouth with such sincerity, Madeleine only sat there and felt a smile grow.

Life could deal her fate like a deck of unfortunate playing cards, but in that moment, she knew that the love and admiration she felt for Claudia would always melt her heart like butter, like cream. Though finally, after Madeleine managed to draw herself back from the overwhelming emotions, she reached out and took Claudia's hand, squeezing it gently as tears welled up in her eyes.

Occasionally, Madeleine would cry, for despite the fact she was like Claudia, an immortal creature, that didn't mean they were emotionless. Their hearts could break in two and shatter, their tears falling like diamonds from their eyes, leaving a trail of sadness in their wake. But they knew that even in their pain, they would always have each other, because if one died, the other did too. Eventually, before Claudia could say what might have either been a compliment or perhaps a whisper of loving words, a small meow interrupted her. It was their beloved cat, Carnvel.

The lovers had three cats: Butterscotch, Carnvel, and Salem. Though Claudia had been the one to bring home Butterscotch and Salem, Madeleine had found Carnvel wandering the streets one rainy night. And ever since then, Carnvel had become Madeleine's favorite, not that she would admit it. She hadn't wanted to make the other cats jealous, but there was a special bond between Madeleine and Carnvel that couldn't be denied. As Carnvel rubbed against Madeleine's leg, Claudia smiled, leaning down and scooping the creature into her arms.

"See?" The vampiress said, her voice soft with affection. "Carnvel knows how beautiful you are, even if you don't see it yourself," Claudia declared. There, the cat purred contentedly, basking in the attention of both women. Madeleine blushed, then reached over and scooped the cat into her own arms before placing a gentle kiss on Carnvel's head. Affection, no matter how simple or small, felt good, like a warm hug on a cold day.

Eventually the other cats joined in, realizing that some affection was being handed out, and they all gathered around, purring and rubbing against the two women. "Les voilà," Madeleine hummed as Claudia scooped Butterscotch into her arms, as Salem followed close behind on the girl's heels as she sat herself down on a stool beside Madeleine at the vanity. Loving creatures, from the cats to the vampires, all craved and appreciated affection in their own unique ways.

"They'll be jealous when we dance outside tonight, jealous that they can't dance to," Madeleine admitted as Claudia smirked. She tilted her head to the side, almost as if she had come up with some sort of idea in that head of hers. "Who says they can't dance?" Claudia questioned, "And who says they can?" Madeleine replied. "Not me, but I'm just saying perhaps they can; we don't know what they do when we leave."

Madeleine paused to ponder the idea. "Maybe they have their own secret dance parties when we're not around," she suggested with a mischievous grin. Claudia chuckled. "And perhaps they even play the piano; they listen to me enough to play a few notes." Then the two women shared a glance as the clock struck midnight, signaling that it was time to go. Time to wander out into the night until the sun comes up and tries to burn them with its flickering light.

"Ready, ma douce?" Claudia said, standing and setting Butterscotch by on the floor, watching the cat scamper out of the room. Madeleine stood up herself, the lace ends of her dress tickling her skin as she set Carnvel down herself, soon offering her hand to her companion. "More than ever, mon compagnon," Madeleine hummed, and then they joined hands and disappeared out into the night.

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