Happy Ending?

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Finn walked into his house slowly. Kurt or Burt or even Carol should have been home by now. He walked into the kitchen, flipping on every light on his way. He was kind of freaked since the door was unlocked with no one inside. He rounded the corner cautiously. A big note hung on the refrigerator door. It read:

Dear Finn and Kurt,

Burt and I went out for the night. We’ll be back about 11.

Love, Carole

Finn sighed in relief. At least that was out of the way. But now he had to figure out where Kurt was.

He’s probably with Blaine again, he thought to himself. He’ll be back soon. He got out a monstrous bowl and filled it high with chips, grabbed a glass bottle of soda pop, and headed for the television.

His phone vibrated the next second.

Shit! He cursed the phone the whole time he put his snack down. He saw the caller I.D. was Blaine. His heart skipped a beatbetter be good news! He prayed, answering the phone.


“Hey Finn, it’s Blaine. Is Kurt there?” Finns heart raced in his chest.

He’s not with Blaine? Where could he be then?

“No, I thought he was with you,” His phone beeped showing Rachel was calling him, “Hold on for a minute,” He switched the phone over to Rachel, “Hello?”

“Finn! You’re late! Mr. Schue is throwing a fit,” Rachel scoffed at him.

He forgot all about Glee practice after school that day! “Is Kurt there?”

“Yes, now hurry up and get you’re butt here!” She hung up on him. Finn transferred the call back at Blaine.

“Kurt’s at Glee practice, which is where I ought to be.”

“Okay, have Kurt call me then. Bye Finn.”

Finn hung up and raced out the door, stopping on his way to make sure he locked the door.


“Finn there you are! You’re so late!” Rachel huffed rushing over to him.

“I know, I know. I’m sorry, but I’m here now.”

“Alright guy’s places! We only have 30 minutes until Sue takes the auditorium for the Cheerios.”

Everyone hurriedly got to their places and began singing. They had decided to re-due Born This Way by Lady Gaga. It was one of their favorite songs they had done so far, plus, they all agreed on the song. It was done the exact same way as the last one; they thought it was so good last time, why change it?

During the bridge, Finn stumbled a bit and couldn’t really concentrate on anything. He bumped into Puck who was doing his best at keeping up with the moves.

“Hey man you okay?”

“Yeah, just tired. I felt stupid about thinking something bad happened to Kurt earlier. I’m really out of it today.”

“Go home after this and get some rest, you’ll feel better.” Finn nodded and went back to dancing to the song.

“Great job today guys! It turned out really good,” Mr. Schue congratulated them at the end of rehearsal.

Finn spotted Kurt putting his music in the brown bag he carried everywhere he went. He rushed up to him, “ Hey Kurt, Blaine wanted you to call him.”

Kurt seemed to lighten up a bit. His eye’s seemed to glow, “Okay, thanks for letting me know,” He picked up his stuff and excited to the hallway when Finn heard a, “Hey Blaine!” coming from right outside.

He smiled and started to walk away too, until Rachel stopped him.

“So what song are you doing for class tomorrow?” She asked excitedly.

“I don’t know yet, I’m hoping to get something from Kurt tonight.”

“Okay well I’m doing 1234 by Plain White Tee’s.”

“Sounds cool, can’t wait to hear it, listen I got to run, call me later okay?” He rushed out quickly.

Man she could talk about music forever, he thought. He heard Kurt yelled excitedly by his car.

“ARE YOU SERIOUS?” He screamed in pure joy, “Okay I’ll see you tomorrow then!”

“Excited about something?” Finn smiled walking over to the car and unlocking it.

“You’d better believe it! Blaine and the Warblers are coming to McKinley tomorrow!”

“Why?” Finn asked, although he was happy for Kurt, since Blaine lived a little ways away from them.

“Mr. Schue invited them for some competition! I’m so happy!”

Finn couldn’t help but laugh at his step-brother. He got excited for silly things like this.

“Man, I’m glad for you., but chill would you? We’re going to be home alone awhile. I’m not watching a hyped up teen get excited because his boyfriend is coming to our school.”

Kurt grinned, “Sure thing, Finn. Can we go now?”

“Hop in.”

Kurt jumped into the car and automatically went for the radio. Finn smacked his hand away.

“Nope, my car, my radio.”

Kurt pretended to pout, but was in to good of a mood to keep from smiling. He stared out the window until they got home, he jumped out of the car and rushed to the door.

“Finn, door’s locked!” He called.

Finn chuckled, “I’m aware of that!” He called back walking up and unlocking their front door. He looked at the clock and sighed. 8:30.

That’s what you get when you have a brother, and is in Glee club.

Kurt ran up the stairs, “I’m going to start on my face then turn in for the night. Good night, Finn!”

Finn just shook his head and turned on the T.V. football was on and he was in the mood to actually watch for the first time in 2 weeks.

The next thing Finn new, he was being shaken awake, “Finn?” a soft voice said.


“Finn, It’s 12 and dad hasn’t called me… I found a note saying they’d be home by 11...” He sounded frightened. Finn sat up and looked at the clock. Kurt was right. He looked at the tired boy who sat beside him.

“Alright, I’ll call my mom,” Finn picked up he home phone and dialed the number in record time. It went strait to voice- mail. Finn looked at the phone funny. That was not like his mom.

“My mom didn’t answer that’s not like her at all,” Finn thought a moment, “Have you called your dad yet?”

Kurt nodded, “Yes, but it went to voice-mail,” He had tears tumbling down his face.

“Don’t cry, their phone’s might have went dead or something. Go back to bed, and I’m sure they’ll be home by tomorrow.”

Kurt nodded and slowly made his way back to his room. Finn didn’t lay down until he heard Kurt close his door. Everything would be better in the morning right? It would be like in the movies. There would be a happy ending. At least, Finn prayed there would be anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2011 ⏰

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