7. drunkard (rewritten)

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Stuart awoke around 10 am. Murdoc had already left, and this made Stuart sad. He fought the feeling but was eventually forced to accept he missed Murdoc.

Little did he know, Murdoc missed him too. He was at a club, trying to drink away his feelings. A very cute girl that he normally would've fucked came up to him and asked for a dance. Murdoc declined and the girl huffed. then she walked away, her chin in the air.

Murdoc couldn't have cared less what she thought about him.

After a while he got drunker and drunker and eventually ended up kissing a bloke. They got a room together, both guys very very drunk and not able to think straight.


When Murdoc woke up, he felt a stabbing pain in his back end. He slowly realized someone was next to him in the same bed, and got up to put some pants on and search for the toilet.

He took his keys with him, just in case. He completely forgot where he was and what he'd done and he was ok with that. He didn't want to remember, anyway. Seeing the guy whose name he didn't even know next to him was already enough.

When he'd found a toilet he nearly pissed on the wall next to the urinal but managed to aim just right. He stumbled downstairs, into the club, without a shirt on. He walked outside and got in his car and drove away.

He contemplated going back to Stuart's house, as he was sure his own dad was home by now. He cursed at someone that nearly rammed into his car and decided he'd go home, grab some stuff and see if he could stay with Stuart for a week.

When he arrived home, he saw his father's car in the driveway. He parked his car a few houses away and climbed into his house through his bedroom window.

He got a few pairs of clothes, some of his other things and climbed back out through the window.

Meanwhile, Stuart was making something to pass the time. He'd found some cardboard and some yarn and made a little ragdoll puppet out of it that he was now painting to look like Murdoc. He gave it a little beer bottle, because he thought that fit Murdoc.

When it was done he let it dry in the sun of his window. He was just halfway on the stairs when the doorbell rang. He almost fell off the stairs and skipped a few steps and opened the door to see Murdoc with a backpack.

"Eh... what's that backpack for?" He asked, curious. "Can I stay a little while? My dad just got home and I don't want to go home right now." Murdoc said. "O-oh, sure. I'll ask my mom when she comes home, even though I think she'll allow it. I haven't had a friend in ages." Murdoc nodded.

Stuart's voice sounded a bit shaky, as he just remembered what happened only a few nights before. He now felt slightly uncomfortable around Murdoc, not knowing what he was thinking about.

Stuart only just remembered what happened and he was now feeling a little resentment towards Murdoc. I mean sure, he was the one who'd started it and Murdoc simply went along but still. He'd thought it was a dream. Murdoc knew it was reality. Murdoc was the one who got in bed with Stuart in the first place.

They sat on the couch, both on the other end. Stuart now tried to put as much distance as he could between him and Murdoc, and curled up to take up even less space on the couch. Murdoc noticed this, also remembering the events from a few nights before. He immediatly felt guilty, knowing what Stuart was thinking about.

It was his plan, after all. He'd cuddled with Stuart first. He decided he'd sleep on the couch tonight, to give Stuart some space. He just couldn't let it happen again. Now that he thought about it, why did Stuart even do it in the first place?

He didn't have time to question it much, though. Stuart's mother came home and saw the two boys, and wondered if they'd had another fight. Stuart stood up and walked up to his mother.

"Can Mudz stay for a bit?" He said, his voice a little shaky. "Oh, sure. He can stay." She said, looking at her son, worried, and then glancing at Murdoc, curious. Murdoc shrugged and stood up to get some food.

When he came back Stuart was curled up on his mother's lap, sobbing. She looked up at Murdoc, raised an eyebrow and mouthed "Why?" Murdoc mouthed "Sorry." And sat on the other end of the couch.

It was very awkward with Stuart sobbing, his mother ocasionally glancing at Murdoc, and Murdoc trying to focus on his food while feeling Stuart's mother's glare.

After a while Stuart stood up to go to bed, dinner forgotten. His mother looked at Murdoc and started questioning him. "What happened?" "Did you do something?" "Is he depressed?" "Did he do something?" Murdoc just looked at his lap and sobbed.

"Its... something we both did. But I don't feel really comfortable talking about it. Im guessing Stu forgot about it yesterday when he was sick." Murdoc finally said after a few minutes silence.

"Ah. Well, I understand. You don't have to tell me if you really don't want to. I just hope it'll be okay between you two. You're the first friend he's had in years. After the car accident, no one wanted to talk to him anymore. He was a real loner, he'd often come home from school with bruises all over him. Just 2 days ago he came home telling me he had a girlfriend, but she didn't come to visit him once when he was sick. Im just worried about the poor kid, that's all." Stuart's mother said.

Heya guys!
I just got a message from Wattpad that asked me if I was okay, and I just wanted to tell you guys that
1. Im alive and well
2. Im doing better
3. Don't be concerned about me, really
I always have these little things and I really don't want you guys to worry about me, these moments always pass
It's like one moment Im depressed, and the next Im as happy as I'll ever be
Also for those of you wondering what happened to the person that was annoying me, he's also fine now
He bullied me back when we were kids and he recently found my social media accs and stuff so he kept bothering me and making me feel really shitty about myself and stuff
It's all good now and he doesn't bother me anymore so uhh
Oh yeah and my parents are helping me quit smoking again so that's also getting better

Don't binge read and ignore the demons!

My Beautifull Songbird (2Doc) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now