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I ran home with the bag of medicine and food. 'Fuck I worked harder to get this and am not letting some dimwits take it...' I kept running I took a corner ended up bumping with someone and the bag fell from my hand everything spilled out and I started to pick the medicine up and putting it back in the bag. I heard their steps and I grabbed the bag apologized to the man who had stood up and looked at me a bit confused. I looked back to see Veronika and her twins behind her.

I ran towards the forest where I live some people live there as well but not mush so I entered quickly. Veronika stopped with her twins behind her I hid behind a tree and putted the bag down and steadied my heart beat and I glared at them as they separated to search for me. I took a deep breath and let it all out and I came out of my hiding and yelled Hey at them making them look at me and smirk.

'Today is the day... They in my territory not in school' Jack and Jake looked at me Veronika sent them and I quickly got ready which end up in them missing their hit and I kicked Jake or Jack or Jake who ever is which I know I kicked one. I received a hit on my rib earning a hiss but I elbowed him getting a bit of blood in my elbow from him. 'Ok broken nose...'

I turned around but I was slapped on the face and I fell on the floor by the force but I quickly got up tried to kick Veronika but she grabbed my leg and twisted my ankle I hissed in pain but I jumped with the other and kicked her in the face and I ended up falling on the floor I looked at them and I stood up the twins tried to get me but I dodged and punched and kicked them earning a painful kick to my rib again.

I was breathing heavily and I ended up looking at them I held myself against the tree I breathing in and out but I heard a battle cry and I looked it was one of the twins and I quickly slammed him against the tree and I received a punch to my face I fell on the floor one eye was a bit blurry but I could still see I kicked him on the stomach made a circle making him fall on his back and I slammed my foot on his chest. I stood up and I was quickly grabbed by the throat and was slammed against the tree and I heard a growl.

'Wait a growl?' I looked at her and I used my head and slammed it on her face earning a headache and dizziness but she let me go to treat her shocked self and i punched her hard on the face she fell on the floor. I looked around everyone on the floor and I took the opportunity and went to get the bag and I ran home passing through trees and pushes until i made it home.

I closed the door and I looked around and I smelled something weird so I went towards the scent to find mom making a perfume again. I sighed and I walked up to her and gave her the last ingredients for it and her medicine. She smiled at me and she laid it on her lap while she used her hands to move her wheelchair towards the fridge.

"You having fun mom?" I asked a bit worried

Mom didn't answer but she just smiled "Honey?"

'Oh no something is wrong?' I looked at her with a light smile "Yes mom?"

"Your uncle called he wants us to move somewhere like this but its calmer and you don't need to run to find stuff he will be bringing my medicine and ingredients for perfumes or food" mom told me

I knew uncle there must be something he wants "What's the catch?"

"For you to work in his shop backing cakes and sweets for weddings, birthdays, etc... And he found you another job knowing how you are my little girl he found a job for cleaning rooms and he say they pay really good" mom answered me

I thought about it but I needed the job to help mom so I said "Alright if he does something you know I am not afraid in kicking is manhood"

Mom laughed at what I said making me smile after a while the phone rang and mom answered it and I smiled as I saw her smile and laugh. Her smile was wider making me feel confused and she agreed to something making more confused and I just walked to her as she hung up.

"Did something happen?" I asked

"Well in a week we leaving your uncle just sent a movers truck so we can put whatever we want in it" Mom said excited making me giggle

"Fine so we can take our comfy beds and what we own without being robbed" I told her as I crossed my arms

"Lets take what we need if we leave stuff is not valuable so who ever may come in and steal it but he or she won't get any money from it" mom said mockingly making me laugh

After a while I went to cook something while mom fixed the last ingredient to her perfume to then put it on her wrist to check if it smelled nice and she shoved her wrist on my nose making me glance at her but I smelled it and said it smelled nice not to strong or too stinky is smelled like flowers making me want to put it on but I like the candy one and forest one. I finished food and I had left to check my horse that was in the yard a bucket of water for her and I smiled when she saw me she ran to me making me smile as I saw her tummy grow a bit more.

'The baby will be here soon' I smiled and I showed her the bucket making her smell by instinct and when she knew it wasn't contaminated she started to drink from it I petted her head and smiled. She drank happily I looked at her rope to check if it was tied up or something to see it normal and the grass looked greener than ever. I smiled when I saw her healthy but saw her mark fade a bit making me want to paint her again but with permanent paint on her but I don't want her getting hurt by the chemicals or anything so I need the knife.

I put the bucket down making her keep drinking water I ran inside and grabbed the knife from my hidden spot and I ran back to spot her on the floor it made me smile and I went to her back leg and slowly started to shave her forming a a line that formed a heart and my letter mixed to it. She moved her head like if something woke her up but she went back to sleep making me giggle. I had finished and I removed the shaved hair away showing the decoration I made. 'It is better like that than putting something hot or chemicals on her fur or skin...'

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