A man and a woman

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The man was standing nonchalance on the portch the rain i poring down. He is whating  for some
A woman that he has longing to see and feel tutch and taste
He sees her in the endow the road
He can help him self he smiles and lets out a sigh at last and walks to her
She runs into his open arms ge spins her around. She kisses her, takes her  hand  and slowly walks to the portch in the pouring rain.

The woman lets out a sigh  close to a sob when she wraps her arms around his waist draw in his sent of a summer rain and her man .
he sits down in this large sofa on the portch she gets in his lap and
she looks up and their eyes lock,
he growls and with his eyes in hers
he slips his hands under her buttocks bringing her forward she parts her legs more and sits straddling the man, she feels the pulse burning her from the inside she had been whating for so long she draws in air and moans, moving her warm sex over his hard one.
the moan from him comes softly down from his chest, and his hands hug her buttocks harder.
Her mouth seeks his, her lips suck softly on his full lower lip with her tongue she seeks his.
He meets her,  his kiss is gentle at first, then deepens with a sigh from both of them, and their tongues seek each other.
And while the rain pours down outside,
she presses her soft warmth against his hard sex and the kiss goes on in heat.
I gently grab your bottom lip sucking and nibbling softly on it ,my hands, reaching down to your broad shoulders. Your shirt is damp, and I find the buttons fumbling with them and muttering
- I need your skin against my skin, so finally I slide my hands under your shirt , your skin is hot
caressing you softly over your chest, you moan softly, at the same time you try to take off my jacket
I release your warm chest ,your mouth, and your gaze just to tear off my shirt, and it comes if your gaze burns me. im naked, but for i, a bra
you throw away my shirt and take one of my big breasts in my mouth sucking on my nipple through the fabric,  i get goose bumps
your mouth and tongue around my nippel  i moaning loudly
-oh yes more
I touch your abdomen
And i move restlessly against your rock-hard sex
-more  I moan
you unbutton and take off my bra with one hand, and slowly, you take my nipple in your mouth sucking and nibbles softly, and at the same time, you hug my other breast softly but firmly
I push myself against your hands and mouth
throwing my head back and rubbing me  against you
-moans ohh
my hands move over your bare chest, playing with your nippels, circling around them ,whit my fingers
Suddenly, you let go of my breast and gently pulled me to you and whisper in my ear
So, so now we calm down. i wanna take this slow .
Then you capture my lips in a gentle but determined kiss where our tongues caress each other and our lips suck, nibble, and yearn for other places to seek with both tongue, lips, and hands.
Deepening the kiss, I put all my longing and feeling into my lips
Moves myself  restless over you,
you growl from deep in your chest
I feel my stomach clench at the sound,
you leave my lips and leave a trail of kisses along my chin, down my neck
I moan and press my bare breasts against yours
I shiver and gasps loudly when you nibble on my neck down to the collarbone
My whole body screams with longing for your mouth, your tongue against my skin.
I caress your back, your shoulders, and your chest, your breath reaches my bare nipple, your tongue moves over it, around and when your lips close around it
my hands reach down to your waistband and pull the jeans button, it opens ,your stomach trembles against my fingers... I caress your crotch softly
" Please, I whisper, increasing the pressure. You let go of my nipple leaning your forehead against mine, moaning, pressing you against my hands.
Please let me taste you, I gasp and lean back and off your lap.
My hands follow your thighs, dragging my nails over your jeans clad thighs with my gaze in yours. I pull the waistband of your open pants slowly, you lift your nice ass and I pull the pants off.
I won't take my eyes off you for a second. I breathe in shocks, panting, and slowly get up.
Unbuttoning my jeans and pulling them down over my bum slowly, kicking them off.
Smiles a little cheekily and, at the same time, uncertain.
I get on my knees and start kissing you from the knee up to the thigh reaching your hard sex, letting my tongue flutter over your glans before I take you in my mouth, I let my tongue circle around, tasting your first salty drops.
Feeling you tremble against my tongue before my mouth closes around you
I suck down on your glans, and shaft take in as much of you as I can, I hear you growl, I  increase the pressure and the pace, love the feel of you, the taste my hands caress your thighs, your belly, finally stopping at the shaft.
Time stands still one moment or  a billions,
so then you pull away
I whine  a little, but i release you
Looking up at you, and your gaze is hot as liquid lava, you breathe hard, but you pull me up to a standing position .
leaning your head against my soft stomach, i dra my hands true your hair. while I feel your hands on the inside of my thighs, as your fingers reach my moist slit, smoothing me and you open me, and look up when your finger reaches my hot inside i almost stop breathing every hair stand up on my body
i'm so wet your two fingers slide inside me
- Please , I moan, and without letting go of my eyes, your thumb reaches my clitoris,and the orgasm is over me without any warning
I come over your fingers without reservation, I try to stifle my scream, but it fails miserably.
But you don't let me catch my breath. You pull me down on your lap, I spread my legs for your hard sex,
you hold my ass in a firm grip, and you slowly penetrate me all the way, slowly so I can feel your full length and width.
I put my arms around you, push myself moaning against you, and hug your sex with my warmth.
We slowly begin to move against each other, each thrust sending pleasure out of every fibre of my body.
kissing you softly, my tongue seeks yours and you give it to me, I ride you at a faster pace more pressure i moan ,
but you slow down and move exquisitely slowly against me.
I moan in your ear, feeling how ready I am
-but you  whisper not yet you are thorough, you thrust deeply gently but hard, my whole body is on fire, my stiff nipples move against your bare chest, I meet your thrusts with a hug around you, our eyes meet and the grip on my ass hardens
I almost sob as the orgasm slowly rolls through my body, you feel me spasm around your sex, small screams are released from my throat and you pick up the pace, burying your face into my necktrust deep and hard , as you empty your self  inside me, you moan loudly against me my bare skin.
Time dissolves, and the rain pours down. Our breathing slows, and you slowly slip out of me.
I get up on unsteady legs, my knees are shaking, you get up and kiss me softly Against my lips you say softly - Come, and you take my hand and I'll follow you slowly into the house, we'll lie down in your bed and fall asleep in eachothers arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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