Meeting mystery guy

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"Brother,if you insist on being single,you might as well be gay". Klaus remarked,with a sarcastic smile. "Very funny,klaus,but I don't care what any of them think,and there's nothing wrong with being gay". Kol replied,sharply. "Yes,kol,but if you're a straight man,don't you want women to know that you are in fact straight"? "I have never found any woman who I could see myself spending eternity with". "Oh,kol,get over yourself". "There are plenty of gorgeous women in this bar,just pick one"! Klaus exclaimed,a bit annoyed with his brother now.

  Kol was looking down at his drink,then he looked up to make a remark back to klaus,when he got cut off by the trance he was suddenly in. Klaus met kol's gaze,and saw what he was staring at. A beautiful woman with long,straight,light brown hair,and blue eyes. "Ahhh,I see someone has already captured you,kol". Klaus giggled,smartly. "What,her"? "No,absolutely not"! Kol exclaimed,trying to hide his attraction to her. "Right,of course,brother,because no one is good enough for the great Kol Mikaelson". "Yes"! Kol exclaimed again,pretending to be insulted. "You know you like her,just go over and talk to her". "No,I will not"! "Fine,then I'll go talk to her". "She looks like she could use some company". Klaus said,chuckling. "First of all,you're happily married to Caroline,Niklaus,and second of all....get out of here"! Kol walked up to the woman,klaus looked at Kol and the woman as he was leaving,he flashed a smart smile across his face,he knew his work there was done.

  "Uhm,hello". Kol said to her,feeling a bit nervous. Apparently Kol wasn't so impenetrable after all. "Uh,hi". She replied. "What's your name"? Kol asked her. "Hannah". She replied again. "Hannah,that's a nice name". "Thank you". She said. "What's yours"? She asked. "Kol". He replied. "What do you do"? He asked. "I'm a writer". "Oh cool,what kind of writing do you do"? "A little bit of everything". She answered. "Sounds fun". He said. "Yeah,it can be,I work in a publishing company here in New Orleans,they publish my books". "Awesome"! Kol exclaimed. "Yeah,thanks". She replied,with a sweet smile. Kol started to feel more comfortable. "What do you do"? She asked him. Kol didn't know how to answer,since he's never really worked before. "Uhm,well....I'm taking some time off right now". "Oh,cool". She said. Suddenly he blurted it out."would you like to maybe go out with me sometime"? He felt really stupid just blurting it out,but she thought it was cute. "Sure,I'd love to,8:00 pm tomorrow sound good"? She asked. Kol let out a deep,relieving breath. "8:00 pm sounds great"! He replied,excitedly. "Here's my number". She said,writing it down on a napkin. "Thanks". He replied,with a big smile. She got up from her seat at the bar and walked out. Kol looked at her as she walked out,checking out her butt.


  Kol walked up to the door of Hannah's house,he rang the doorbell,and she answered with a beautiful,glowing smile. She was wearing a knee length,pink and white flowy dress. Kol was stunned,he saw an angel standing in her doorway. "Hey,Kol,ready to go"? Hannah asked. Kol snapped out of his trance. He cleared his throat,and replied. "Uhm,yeah,let's go".

  Kol took her dancing,they walked into the ball room,couples were happily and slowly dancing. Kol turned to face her. "May I have this dance,my lady"? He asked her,bowing,holding his hand out to her,cutely. "Well of course,good sir". She replied,giggling,and curtsied. He took her hand,and led her onto the dance floor.

  Kol and Hannah looked deep into eachother's eyes. She laid her head down on his right shoulder. Kol gently caressed her hair with his hand. He was already falling for her. He kissed her head,then spun her around once,then he brought her back to his embrace.


  After the date,Kol walked Hannah to her door,he didn't want to leave,but it was getting late,and she had to sleep,he didn't want her to think that he wanted to go too fast. "Good night". He said,feeling a bit sad,because he really wanted to kiss her. He turned to walk down the steps,then suddenly she grabbed his arm,and pulled him close. "Not so fast". she whispered in his ear,seductively. She kissed his lips. Kol was so mesmerized by her,he didn't want to stop kissing her,but he was afraid that he would bite her. So he stopped. "I should get going". He said,feeling very disappointed,but he knew he had to keep his cool. "Okay,then". She replied,feeling a little disappointed herself,but she didn't like going too fast either,so she kissed him on the cheek,and unlocked her door,and walked inside,looking back at him as he walked down the steps. He looked back at her with longing eyes.

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