Red Sun

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My phone's alarm blared exactly four in the morning. Too early for someone on vacation? Well, I'm not on one, anyways.

I was helping out at our school, printing ID's and greeting new students. I'm one of the six students who didn't take a summer vacation. Me and my partner is mainly in-charge of collecting information and printing out ID's while the others tour the newcomers around the campus.

Seven days before classes start. I arrived at the first lab, late as usual. Jackie is already doing all the printing works when I came in. I am supposed to be in charge of taking photos for the ID, so I took charge of the role after I put down my things.

"No MA-1's yet?" I asked, wondering if there were new students assigned to our old section.

"Nope, no MA-1's." he replied.

"Why do we get excited anyways? It's not like we're going to the same boat as those freshmen." I added.

Jackie shrugged and carried on with the typing.

Moments later, a girl with gold-blonde hair and sporting a dark outfit came in, along with another girl, short black hair.

I nudged Jackie, "Let's bet, she's MA-1,"

"Obviously," he replied.

Our assistant, Yulle, asked, "Ma'am, are you a cosplayer?"

The girl with gold-blonde hair smiled and nodded.

After taking a picture, I gestured her to sit down beside Jackie for further processing. I previewed the last photo, "Erika." I whispered.

Jackie must've heard me, he paused typing for a bit and turned to me. Then he turned back again to the computer screen and started typing again.

I, then, moved on to taking a picture of her companion and carried over the usual routine. It's a relief that there's no more new students today. That's the fewest run we had, second fewest was seven people.

Then also as usual, we played our favorite PC games the whole day.

~~~~~ First Day of Classes ~~~~~

This is the first day, and oh boy. I'm not even enrolled!

I quickly prepared my things and rushed to school.

There were a mass of people inside, I thought I was the only one left to enroll. As soon as I stepped in, I froze. I can't move properly inside crowds due to an irrational fear. Then I sensed a familiar presence, like someone is watching over me. My body became lighter, making me able to proceed with my business and got out.

I looked at my schedule and found that I have classes later afternoon. I carried out my usual routine and to my surprise, the class hours went fast.

After school, I headed to the Dusk hide-out. This is where we settle ourselves. Our equipment is all here: paintball guns, spray paint cans, Kali sticks, handcuffs.

I never told you exactly about Dusk, have I?

The Dusk is a small vigilante group of people of varying age. We volunteered to help the local police in fighting crimes during nighttime. The people had enough crimes in daytime so the higher-ups founded the organization we have now. Our base of operations is the abandoned building just along the highway. Some says that ghosts haunt this place. But my years of stay here, says otherwise. This building suffered from a fire a few months before the Dusk was founded. I wonder how it's still standing. Don't underestimate its gloomy outward appearance, because inside is what we call a mansion, even more clean than my own room, and has a lively group of people inside.

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