Chapter 1

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Chapter One - Healing

          It's been three weeks. Three weeks have passed, yet I am still a mess. You'd think that 9 tubs of ice cream and 4 bags of chocolate would get you though a breakup, but apparently that's not the case. Relationships are a funny thing. They'll tell you they love you, and that you'll be together forever, and that nothing can stop them from wanting to be with you; but then it's like they completely erase everything they have ever done with you, and stab you right in the back. 

"Mia! Get your ass down here!" I put my thoughts to rest and groggily get up from my bed.

"Geez. its 4 in the afternoon! Why are you still in bed?" My pain in the arse of a sister asks.

"Couldn't get up." I shrug. I head over to the fridge and pull out the orange juice, drinking it out of the carton.

"You're disgusting," she grabs the juice from me and wipes the rims with a napkin before putting it back in the fridge, "You need to go out! You haven't been out in weeks. At least go to Kayla's house. Something!"

I stare at her for a minute before I slowly nod, and head back upstairs.

"I'll be home by 10!" She yells.

I close my door and head for my phone. I haven't touched it since. I turn it on, and instantly, I get loud beeps. I go to my phone to see the damage.

26 Twitter Notifications

75 Instagram Notifications

578 Text Messages

92 Phone calls

Considering I usually get about 1 notification a week, I actually felt popular for once. But about 98% of the notifications are from only one person, and that would be Kayla. I searched for her name in the contacts and dialed. She picked up after the first ring.

"BITCH!" She screams.

"Im alive." I say.

"Barely! You better come over like in 10 minutes or I will break your door down. I need explanation now." She says, before hanging up.

I take one long sigh and decide to get ready. I throw on some shorts and an old tee that says, "Bite me" on it. 


The door is already open once I get there, and Kayla was standing there, tapping her foot onto the ground. I slowly get out of my car, and make my way up to her. 

"I missed you so damn much. Get the fuck inside." I smile, the first smile I've made in weeks.

She rushes me in, and we head upstairs to her room.

"So, where do we start?" I say.

"You tell me. Why would you cut all communications off? You know how many times I went over to your house to find that you changed the lock! I was supposed to be there for you. You shouldn't have gone through this alone."

"I'm sorry. I know I should have just called you.  But it was so overwhelming. To find Dylan making out with Kiana behind the bleachers after graduation was.. just. I can't even explain it. Kiana was my friend. She was our friend. The worst part was that he didn't even apologize. Didn't even say sorry for cheating on me. And it wasn't even that. Right when I caught them, it was like Kiana turned into a totally different person. She called me lame, and a prude. Said I couldn't give him what she could. They've been sleeping together for months Kayla, Months! I wasted all 4 years of high school on that guy. I just.. I don't even know." I knew that I couldn't cry anymore, because my eyes were once a waterfall, but had now turned into a desert; dry and empty. Kayla pulled me into a hug before pulling away.

"I am so sorry. If it makes you feel better, I threw my heels at her."

I laughed, "I wish I was there to see it."

"Oh you, can, it's on youtube. Jason posted it. Over thousands of hits."

"Now I regret not using my phones for all these weeks." I pout.

"Oh I'll show you it later. But for now, I just want to make sure you're okay."

"I'm fine now." I say.

"Bullshit! I know you're not. And I know just the way to fix it." She smiles. 

"Im scared."

"What you need, is a new bae." She says.

I look at her for a moment, before bursting into laughter,"Please, do not say that word again."

"Its true! Look. There's this new online dating website for teens! Well, ages 18 to 21. Same difference. I really think you should do it." Her eyes sparkle with enthusiasm. 

"Online dating? You must be joking. You do know that even though it says ages 18 to 21, a  60 year old pedophile could easily sneak his way in. No way." 

"You have to. A crap load of people are using it now. You would know if you hadn't turned off your phone," she says, rolling her eyes in the process. "And plus, you owe me." 

"For what?" I snap.

"For ignoring me for three weeks! For not letting me help you! I am truly sorry Mia, I am. I wish I could cut his balls off and make him choke on it. Well, I could, but that would be really messy. So, yeah. But I was hurting because you were hurting. And I wouldn't suggest this unless I knew it could potentially help you. I want you to get better. Please."

I hesitate before answering, "No."


          I decided to sleep over at Kayla's, and as usual, I fell asleep first. But what was unusual was the piercing scream I heard while I was sleeping.
"What the hell?!" I yell, jumping up from the bed.

"You have a request!!!" She squeals.

"What are you talking about?!" I say. Her smile slowly tones down.

"Funny story actually."

"Enlighten me." I cross my arms.

"So, last night, when you fell asleep, I kept thinking, now what can I do to make Mia feel better? Because you are obviously still hurting. So I kind of.. WentAheadAndMadeYouYourOwnOnlineDatingAccountPretendingToBeYou." she says really fast, smiling at the end.

"Can you please say that... SLOWER?" I say.

"I. Made. You. An. Online. Dating. Account." My jaw dropped.

"Why would you do that!"

"Because! Who cares! You have a request!" She grabs my wrist and leads me to her desk. She points at the laptop, and on the screen a picture of a decent looking guy is up.

"So? What does that mean." I say.

"It means that he wants to chat with you! And he's only a year older! I think you should talk to him!" She quickly presses accept and a chatscreen pops up.

"What the hell! Why would you do that! It could easily be a creep!" I say in disgust.

"Just talk to him stupid! It's not like he can track you down! Look he said hey!" She begins typing away."

"What are you doing?"

"Um, talking to him pretending to be you what else."

"I don't know about this, Kayla." I sigh, again, as usual.

"You need to live alittle." She says, and continues to chat with the guy.

Maybe Kayla was right. Maybe I did need to stop being so uptight. Yes, this could very well be an 80 year old man trying to get pictures of my goodies, or get me alone so he could potentially rape me. But, I would never let that happen. Or maybe, this could actually be a guy, a real guy.

I look at her and bite my lip, before saying yes.

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