You Are My Medicine

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Stuart Pot woke up with a gasp, bolting upright in bed. He bit his wrist to keep from crying out in pain, suddenly feeling his head throb with one of his infamous migraines. His trembling fingers tangled through his cerulean hair as he let out a shaky breath. Calm down, he told himself. It was only a dream.
He started to get up out of bed. His painkillers were downstairs, he remembered. He opened the door quietly and began to step out of his room, until he heard the sound of murdoc's voice. He was on the phone. He couldn't go downstairs now, 2D thought. Murdoc would beat the shit out of him. His heart sank. He pulled the door shut again, carefully turning the knob so it wouldn't make a noise.
He sat down on his bed, pulling his knees to his chest, resting his chin on his knees. Tears formed in his black eyes as another wave of pain pulsed through his head. It was the bassists fault he got the stupid headaches, now it was his fault he couldn't even get his pain medication. A sob escaped him, and his whole body began to tremble.
2D closed his eyes, lacing his fingers threw his hair. In his dream, Murdoc had come home in a drunken rage, per usual. He beat him, per usual. That wasn't the bad part. He was used to that.
In his dream, Murdoc had decided to take his anger out on Noodle, even after hitting 2D. He heard her cry in his dream, and immediately woke up, gasping, covered in cold sweat. Not Noodle, please not Noodle.... The damaged singer tried to convince himself that Murdoc wouldn't. God, he hoped he wouldn't. Noodle was too sweet. She was only thirteen.
2D covered his dark eyes with his hands, trying to alleviate some of the pain in his head, but to no avail. It was moments like these that he more than anything, wanted only to return home and be with his mother. Oh to be with his mother, and away from...Murdoc.
Murdoc was the reason he was falling apart. He was the reason he got the horrible migraines. He was the reason he got the nightmares that gave him migraines. The was the reason he felt the pain that gave him nightmares. He hated him. A sob escaped him. 2D had never felt more alone in his entire life.
Just then, the door opened. 2D recoiled away, sure it was the bassist, coming to beat him senseless. He his his head in his hands. "Relax, 2D. It's me."
The sound of the soft voice caused his heart rate to decreased. He lifted his black eyes and was met with the sight of Noodle, her eyes filled with concern. She sat on the bed, putting her arms around the singer.
"Everything's okay...." He buried his head in her chest and cried. He couldn't stop the tears, as much as he wanted to. She stroked his cerulean hair, whispering soft, meaningless words.

"You are my medicine, when you're close to me...."

Notes: Helllooooo! So, it's the middle of the night and I have done nothing but read gorillaz fanfics all day. So, I wrote this out of boredom. It's almost 2 am here. Sorry for the crappy cover, I had sketched that the other day and realized it was fitting for this.....

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