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":33 ac wishes you a happy purrthday and assurrres mew that arrrrt is on the way!!"
"hEy, HaPpY mOtHeRfUcKiN' bIrThDaY tO mY 16-yEaR oLd BrO!"
"J8yeux anniversaire, weeaboo. Are y8u gr8wing up this year? Juuuuuuuust kidding!"
"Happy birthday, TavrOs! 16, eh? yOu can get a jOb nOw!"

Out of all of the notes on Tavros's birthday card, Aradia's was the scariest. Fitting.

In all seriousness, though. A job? When would the hours be? How would he get there? Would his coworkers respect him?

And especially, where?

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