May's House

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Hi I'm back with a oneshot I thought of this while I was trying to sleep.
Drew is so annoying he thinks he can beat me at everything ugh! He may have beat me in school stuff like math,science,and history And yes he may have beat me in basketball,soccer, and track but I can still beat him at something I'm Sure! Hmm but what? Video games! That's it I'm good at video games because my brother always makes me play with him! Who knew I would be grateful for my brother!

I see Drew in the hallway. Now's my chance!

"DREW!" I yell.

He looks back and smirks "hello June what do you want?"

I breath in a huge breath and say "You want to come to my house to play Mario Kart?" He gives me a weird look "Why do you want to play Mario Kart with me why not ask Misty or Leaf or even Dawn?" "Because I want to try to beat you at something and I'm pretty good with video games so can you PLEASE give me a chance?" Drew hesitated a while and then said "Fine." Yes I can finally try to beat him. Wait he's coming to my house......oh gosh what did I just do I heart is thumping now gosh why does this happen with him! Just a stupid crush May nothing big ok!
We start walking to May's house. I feel kinda nervous the fact I'm going to May's house. NO DREW YOU ARE ONLY GOING BECAUSE SHE WANTED TO CHALLENGE YOU TO A VIDEO GAME NOTHING MORE! "We're here!" May shouts. "Gosh June pipe down a little will ya Japan is gonna complain that a 16 year old girl named after a month is disrupting their sleep!" I tell her. "That makes no sense Drew its day time right now." Gosh how dumb is she? "June in Japan its night right now." I flick my hair as I say this. "Really oh I forgot." She says dumbfounded.

She opens the door to her house and says "Welcome to my casa Drew!" Woah her house is actually very nice on the inside. "Who's that May?" Says a feminine voice from the kitchen. I'm guessing that's her mom because she never said she had a sister. "It's a friend from school mom!" She tells her mom. Her mom comes out from the kitchen "Hi I'm May's mom what's your name dear?" Her mom asked me. "I'm Drew. Nice to finally meet you Mrs.Maple." I say politely extending my hand for her to shake. "Well aren't you a gentleman and please call me Caroline." She says as she winks at her daughter. "Mom!" May yells. I internally smirk her mom actually likes me. Caroline laughs "Come on dear you talk about him non-stop everyday at the dinner tab-" May cuts her off "Come on Drew I'll show you to my room so we can start playing Mario Kart!" She grabs my hand and drags me to her room. She seemed desperate to get away from her mom. She lets go of my hand and closes her door. I kinda mis the warmth of her hand. I rewind everything that happened.

I blush May talks! I glance at May and her face is completely red! "Ok let's start up the wii she says and throws me a green remote. She grabs a red remote and turns on her flat screen and bends down to get the wii going. I look around her room it's all red. Red bed,red drawers,red wallpaper with roses,red vanity,heck even her flat screen is red! Then I saw a rose on her red desk its one of the thornless roses that I usually give her.
Oh gosh my mom she almost said that I have one of the roses he gave me on the dinner table ugh. Too bad she spilled the part about how i talk about him everyday during dinner ugh. I click the power button on the wii and click A so it can start.

I stand straight and look at Drew he was staring at something in my room. I follow his gaze to........oh gosh the rose on my desk. "Ok it's ready lets start playing!" I say. He immediately came out of his trance and said "Ok. By the way who's is this Wii remote?" He asked. Oh gosh I got that remote because it was his favorite color. I blush and lie "Max's. He won't mind." Drew looked like he didn't believe it but shrugged. Good he fell for it. "Have you ever played this game before?" I ask him. He nods saying "Yeah I've played it before at Paul's house." Paul plays Mario Kart wow never expected that from him! "Oh ok good I don't have to teach you how to play." I say.
May had gotten on to the character menu she picked Princess Peach while Drew picked Bowser. "Seriously you like being the bad guy?" May asked. Drew shrugged "What Bowser's cool, WAY cooler than frilly little Princess Peach." He flicked his hair as always. May scoffed. May picked a pink motorcycle for Peach while Drew got a motorcycle for Bowser. (I have no idea what color Bowser's motorcycle is I never play as him) "Pick a stage!" May said cheerily. Drew looked at the stages and said "I should go easy on you shouldn't I hmmmm." May got angry "I don't need you to go easy on ME!" She shrieked. "Fine fine Rainbow Road then." He said calmly. May clicked on said course.

May's House (one shot)Where stories live. Discover now