Chapter 1.

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"Have you finished the dishes yet, Char?" My father looks up from his book, peeking at me in between sentences. "Your mother will be home soon, and you know how she gets when you don't finish your chores."

"Got it Dad," I sigh. I don't understand why I'm always stuck with all the cooking and cleaning, it's not like Sarah doesn't have any legs. I can't wait until Tyler is older, then I won't always have to do everything myself. 

Sarah came stomping down the stairs in loud thuds. As soon as her feet hit the kitchen tile the fridge opens and she's chugging Tropicana out of the jug.

"Sarah use a glass please."

"Whatever Dad. What's up Rugrat?" She ruffles my hair and I shoo her away, shaking my head.

"Stop! I spent forever getting it this way, you're going to mess it up, " I complain, making my way to the coat hangers where the full pane mirror stands. I miss my hands around in my curls until their back in the way I had positioned them before. I head back to the sink and start washing the plates just in time for Mom to come walking through the front door. She's in the middle of a phone conversation, none of us say anything to her.

"No, that time doesn't work for me I have a meeting at three."


"Nope, Tyler's twelfth birthday."


"Not then either, Sarah's football game."


"You know what, I'll just call you after I can get a look at my schedule, okay? I'll call you later Barb. Alright, good bye."


I start to dry the cutlery as my mother sits down at the island and puts her head in the hands. Sarah and I exchange glances and look at Dad, who's put his book down and starts making Mom a drink. He mixed the Pepsi in with the bit of beer and hands it to Mom, who greatly accepts. He sits back down and rubs his hands together.

"So how was everyone's day?" he smiles. Silence. "Charlie?" he urges as I roll my eyes.

"Uh, in physics I learned about change equilibrium. Uhhh in Foods we made cherry pie. Uhhhh, oh! I got invited to a sleepover on Saturday and it's going to be at Suzy's house and there's going to be a movie marathon and-"

"No." I drop the last of the forks into their section in the drawer and turn Dad.

"What do you mean, 'No.'"

"Tyler's birthday party is that night, you're not going to that sleepover."

"But Dad," I drag on his name, hoping it will annoy him so much he'd just agree. Mom cuts me off.

"Sweetie, listen to you father please." I sigh and put the dirty washcloth into the hamper. 

"Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom!" Tyler screams happily. Mom stand up and Tyler jumps into her arms, giving her a bear hug.

"How is my cute little boy doing today?" Tyler smiles from ear to ear.

"I'm turning twelve in three days! I'm turning twelve in three days! I'm turning twelve in three days!" he chants.

"That's right! Which also means you're getting to old to carry," Mom laughs and places his feet back on the floor, "and too heavy. Where do you want to go for your birthday dinner on Saturday, dear? 

"Chuck E Cheese!" he lights up again. 

"What a surprise," Sarah groans, scavenging through the fridge. Dad walks towards her and closed it, giving her a look.

"I'm making dinner soon, you don't need another snack. Now, aren't you excited for Tyler's birthday?"

"Yeah, sure. Whatever." Another look from Dad. "I mean, of course! Chuck E Cheese is my favourite!" Dad sighs, letting her off with her sarcastic response. 

I finish putting away the dishes and head up to my room, flopping on my bed. I pull out my phone and text Luke.

'Hey, can't come to the sleepover. Baby bro's b-day that night :/'

'Can't you skip?'

'Probs not, even if I try Mom will probs play the guilt card'

'KK, ttyl.'

'OK bye.'

"Charlie! Dinner!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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