A Little Christmas Luck! (Rock Lee x Reader)

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"Sakura!" your harried voice called over the thick crowd. "Oi, over here!"

The young woman looked up at your voice, cheeks reddened from the cold—or possibly from the young brunette standing just behind her, hanging onto her waist with both arms, and nuzzling his cold nose into the crown of her head. Giggling quietly as he muttered something into her ear, she waved you over to her. "What is it (y/n)-chan?"

You jogged over to the shivering pair standing just outside the clinic; Sasuke must have just picked Sakura up from work. "Sakura have you seen Lee?" A gloved hand brushed thick hair from in front of your (e/c) eyes as you looked around hopefully.

"No, sorry I haven't," the pink-haired young woman responded, shaking her head as best she could while Sasuke's face was still buried in her hair. "Why, did you need him?" She swatted a hand at the coal-eyed young man distractedly when he laid a small kiss on her neck.

"Yeah he's the only one I haven't given a present to and I haven't seen him all day. I was really looking forward to it!" The small outburst sent a puff of breath into the freezing air. You crossed your arms defensively as Sakura laughed at your almost whining tone.

Violently shivering, the green eyed girl leaned her head over to one side and regarded Sasuke out of the corner of those pretty eyes. "Have you seen Lee today?"

"No. He's probably off training or something to that effect," Sasuke responded quietly, hiding his shivering well but not well enough. "He's always training when (y/n) needs him. I think he might just be avoiding her." A sly smirk was sent your way. "What did you do to scare him off this time?"

You bristled indignantly as Sakura chidingly cuffed Sasuke's arm, trying and failing to hide her own small laugh. But just as quickly, your own smirk was gliding across your lips as you smoothly responded, "Oh you know, Sasuke. I just showed him a picture of you."

Your fellow kunoichi began laughing raucously, throwing her head back into Sasuke's broad chest as her already cold-pinked cheeks darkened with the effort. She earned the couple strange looks from patrons seeking shelter within the clinic's foyer but didn't seem to care as Sasuke glared at you good-naturedly.

"Yeah well," he mumbled with a glower, obviously not wanting to keep him frozen nose out of Sakura's hair for too long. "Just go find him and stop complaining so we can all get to the Christmas party safe. Baka."

You stayed long enough to smirk and tap your nose knowingly before turning and running off through the village after shouting a thanks over your shoulder. Sasuke was right; you had to find Lee and get to that party!


You had checked the training field, the local dojo on the edge of town, most of the market shops, almost all of the restaurants, and quite a few house parties that you knew friends were throwing to celebrate the holiday coming up at midnight. Still, you seemed incapable of finding Lee.

A disappointed sigh escaped through your pursed lips; your shoulders wilted in failure. It was getting late. You weren't likely to find him any time soon at this rate. And besides, you were going to be late for the party you had promised TenTen that you and your friends would be at.

(E/c) eyes skimmed the snowy ground on which you walked as you headed toward your destination, an air of defeat present in your stride. You had wanted to make his present special; to give it to him when no one else was around. It would have meant so much more like that than it would in the middle of a party with all of your friends watching, pressuring him into whatever response there was to be had.

But it looked like that wasn't happening.

Trudging onward, hands shoved deep into your jacket pockets, you shook your head lightly. You could just give him one part of the gift. You could wait for the rest. One night wouldn't kill you.

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