Ishimaru's death

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Ishimaru's head was throbbing,
He couldn't even hear himself screaming his friend's name as the biker was being killed infront of him
He collapsed only holding himself up by his trembeling hands, ignoring but aware of the horrified looks his classmates gave him.
Shivering, weeping, screaming mondo's name..
Kiyotaka suddenly sprinted toward the wire wall, stumbling but lunging towrd the wall trying to rip it up to get to his best- no, only friend and save him.
Knees still on the ground pulling himself up as if his legs were paralyzed.
Monokuma cackeled while is
Ishimaru was in utter despair.
His body collapsed laying down in a damp spot he had created.
But not before screaming so hard you could hear how much it rips at his throat.
He was shaking violently as the death ball stoped and made 'mondo butter'.
Monokuma cackled coming near Ishimaru's face. "What yummy looking butter! I cant wait to eat it all up~!"
Ishimaru suddenly forced himself up patheticly and looked at monokum dead silent.
Monokuma gave a impressed looked, being impressed on what he did to the poor boy.
Monokuma's face practically said 'did I really do that? Go me!'
Ishimaru weakly stood up and walked away.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru is dead.

Ishimaru's deathWhere stories live. Discover now