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I jump, startled by the sound of the toaster. Damn toaster—I always find myself startled at the sound of the toaster when I'm not paying attention. Before the toaster frightened me, my attention was focused on the mini flat screen TV bolted in the wall above snack cupboard. The five o clock news was just covering the death of a Hollywood actress who died of an overdosed. Shaking my head, saddened by the news, my attention was averted back to my beautifully toasted wonder breads waiting in the toaster. Quickly ripping a sheet of bounty paper, I grab my slices of bread from the toaster, and gently spread peanut butter on the right side and jelly on the left side of the slices. For some odd reason I love my PBJ sandwiches made in that pattern. Stubbornly, I refuse to eat PBJ sandwiches that did not follow this pattern. It just didn't taste the same prepared another way. Opening the glass wine cabinet near the stove, I reach for a bottle of red wine, pouring myself a glass.

The sound of my cell phone upstairs echoed against the walls of my home. Turning off the TV behind me, I reach for my glass of wine and PBJ, bolting up the circular wide stairs to check my phone. Entering my sky blue painted room, I plump down on my bed, placing my glass of wine and PBJ on my black end table near my bed. Lifting my pillow, I grasp my phone, checking my messages. As usual, my notifications were ridiculously active from the likes on my social media accounts. Scrolling down my notifications, I notice I have three unread text messages, two from my dad and one from my best friend Lea.


Hello Princess, Your Mom and I will be back home tomorrow morning


Hello Alana. Are you there? We have plans girl.

Oh crap! I almost forget about my plans with Lea. Lea is my confidant, and we've been best friends since junior high. When I moved to LA from Toronto, I met her in fourth period gym, and we automatically clicked after a pseudo scuffle we had over a boy name Daniel. The funny thing about our dispute, he wasn't even physically attractive, he was just had a unique sense of humor. I barf at the thought of Daniel, to this very day Lea and I laugh until we cry at that fact that we wanted to rip each other hair out over him. I call Lea. She doesn't answer; I leave her a lengthy message apologizing for replying to her text an hour late. Keenly scrolling up, I look at our previous messages, and notice that I told her yesterday that we'd leave to the tattoo shop on Broadway Street at 3pm. Glaring at the time on my cell phone it was currently 5:30pm... holy shit how could I forget, then I remember around 3pm I was caught up watching Real Housewives and binging on Pringles and ice cream. Lea's is probably worried sick about me, I imagine her hysterically crying, telling the LAPD I've been kidnapped by one of my creepy social media friends. I smirk thinking about how pissed she is going to be at me. I'm just going to drink my wine and eat my delicious PBJ while I wait for her reply.

After eating, I decide to shower and get dressed-- we still had time to go. Besides the tattoo shop didn't close until 10pm. It was now 6:01; fresh out of a hot shower, I nervously check my phone. I still don't see a response from Lea. I roll my eyes in annoyance and throw my phone down against my pillow. Walking over to my luminous vanity mirror, I gaze at faired skin, blonde haired girl, with eyes that blaze a vicious brown staring back at me. Intensely combing my wavy straight hair, I tried tirelessly to tame my wild hair. I try to tie my hair with a scrunchy, but as usual it pops bouncing off my mirror onto the floor. Oh the struggle of being a girl... Men would never understand. I grow sick of trying to tame this beast called my hair and settles on wearing my hair out.

After the struggle of getting my hair under control, I finally receive a reply from Lea. As expected she was too busy arguing with her loser of a boy friend. I support my friends in all their life decisions, but what annoys me most about their relationship was the way her treats her. Like seriously—I didn't understand why she puts up with his crap. For one he was a serial cheater and on the other hand the asshole forgot about their three year anniversary. Oh and let's not forget... he tried to make a move on me at Lea's 18th birthday. It was girl code, so I told her, and she still found the courage to take the bastard back. He blamed it on the alcohol, and never tried that again. I mean, after that well deserved smack he received from me that night, I didn't expect him to. Relationships are like glass, sometimes it better to leave them broken than try to hurt you putting it back together. Shockingly I'm usually the one playing men like fools. Men are like toys to me, I put them on my shelf and play with them when I'm ready. I so desperately want to talk Lea out of this relationship, but I tried redundantly. Sometimes you have to let people open their eyes and see for their selves. He's a dog!-I inwardly sigh, putting on my black leather jacket. My phone buzzes and surprisingly it was a text Lea she is downstairs waiting in her car.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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