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She felt tears pool in her eyes. This was her worst nightmare come true, he had been captured. No, this couldn't happen! Not after everything they'd been through! She grabbed her mallet and rushed to the town square.

Are you, are you coming to the tree?

He was alive, but not for long. She shoved her way through the crowd, through her tears.

Where they strung up a man they say who murdered three.

She ground to a stop, inches from the stage and from the gallows that gleamed like a shiny knife in the sunlight. She had been restrained by the guards.

Strange thimgs did happen here, no stranger would it be if we met at midnight in the hanging tree.

She took in everything about him. He seemed alright, minus the tears falling from his crestfallen face. His hands were tied behind his back and he was kneeling on the ground.

Are you, are you coming to the tree?

He called her name, begging her to turn back, to not see what was about to happen to him.

Where a dead man called out for his love to flee.

She fought tooth and nail to get to him, striking anyone who got in her way with her mallet. As soon as her hands touched, they dragged her away. Tying her hands together and forcing her to his knees.

Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be if we met at midnight in the hanging tree.

She called out to him, apologizing for everything, tears blocking her vision. It was too late. They were doomed to a death in front of hundreds of somber spectators.

Are you, are you coming to the tree?

The executioners pushed them onto the trap door that would end their life at the beginning. She looked out over the blank faces of her fellow citizens as they simply stared at her.

Where I told you to run so we'd both be free.

The nooses felt cold as they slipped over her fragile neck with the life pumping vein concealed inside. She gulped and looked ot her love for the last time.

Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be if we met at midnight in the hanging tree.

The executioner went on a long spiel about how having loyalty to the highbloods was all that mattered in life. She looked at everyone in disgust. Why didn't they do something?! Oh right, they were all cowards!

Are you, are you coming to the tree?

The executioner turned to them with a sinister smile. How she hated them, the whole rotten lot of them! But she couldn't protest. Those were the rules. His hand wrapped around the lever that would drop her to her death.

Wear a necklace of rope side by side with me.

He was toying with her. Holding the lever and then pulling his hand away. Why wouldn't he just do it?! She frowns and looks longingly at her beloved matesprite. She would miss him dearly.

Strange things did happen here no stranger would it be if we met at midnight in the hanging tree.

"Any last words?" He asked her in a sickly sweet tone. She spat at him before replying;

"Are you, are you coming to the tree?"

He pulled the lever and everything went black, forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2015 ⏰

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