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Such malevolent creatures we are, at least we seem to be.
The universe is so huge but yet it still revolves around me.

Lights, camera, action the show has began. I'm the star in this series and it's sure to be grand.

Everyone take your positions and submit to my control. You don't want to miss this one, something great's about to unfold.

This show must be perfect, hit your lines to a tee. Everyone's gonna love it, it'll be something great to see.

As the show began to surface it was not as I had presumed. I saw many flaws in the acting but still I let it resume.

The story spiraled out of control, hardly even the one I wrote. The strain was too much to bare, or even, let alone, tote.

I was in total shock, the show did not turn-out as I had seemed. My wonderfully written story with a completely different theme.

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