<Chapter One> My Departure

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I had a few friends over at my house when I was going to do something "special", but in a bad way. I had my friends Emily, Jack and Brooke at my house. In my room I had a rope and chair prepared. I was not scared of the thought of "it" anymore.

"I need to grab a sweatshirt from my room," I said to my friends in the living room.

"...but we have a surprise for you," Brooke said to me.

"Can it wait?"

"It will only take one second," she pleaded, "It is worth waiting a minute for a sweatshirt."

"Okay, but make it quick," I said hastily.

Everyone got into positions like it was rehearsed. Emily went to the front door, Brooke walked over to me and Jack stood next to me also. I was confused a lot by what they were doing. Were they going to execute me or something? This was really weird.

"We know how much you like Chandler Riggs," Jack said, "So, I found out that he is my cousin. I was talking to my mother and she mentioned that he actually lived in this city. It wasn't easy to find him, but I did and..."

Emily slowly opened up the door, and my eyes pursed out of my head. I was like one of those weird pens that you squeeze the head and the eyes pop out. It was him. It was Chandler Riggs! I almost passed out.

"Hey, Carmen," he said dreamily, "I have heard a lot about you."

"Oh, oh, oh....oh my gosh! Is it actually... Is it Chandler Riggs? Is that a mask. Is this a dream. Pinch me. I could die right now. I am going to explode. I love you so much. That was weird. Sorry. Hi-," I spurted out very quickly.

"Well," he said, "Yes, no, that would be a bad first impression, don't, that would be a bit messy, thanks, don't worry, I am weirder, no worries and Hi, again."

He is so nice. I still can't believe that it is really him. I have read so many fanfics about him which make him wonderful, but he is so much better in real life. He is witty, charming and handsome. I can't even breathe right now. It might be weird, but I just want to kiss him. I want to jump on him and hug him so hard that he passes out.

"Do you want to sit and talk?" Brooke said. I guesses that Brooke set this up since she has been smiling the most and the widest. She pointed to where they should go, and signaled for the door to be opened.

"Sure," I said excitedly.

We all sat down in the living room. My parents are out of town right now by the way, and that is why I planned to do the "special thing" at that time. They were always away on parent vacations and business trips. They never paid any attention to me. That was one of the reasons why I planned the "special thing".

Now it was time to actually talk to him. I am nervous...

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