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That's my bestfriend that's my bestfriend.... Or is it really? What I knew to be my bestfriend is anything but.... I've lost him. He could be standing right in front of me and I still couldn't find him. WHERE ARE YOU.... WHERE IS US... I MISS US... Once upon a time we told each other everything.... Talked every day.... Talked every night.... 24 24, we were unbreakable. *fade out* and NOW.... I find myself trying to pick up the pieces because I've lost my heart MY BOYFRIEND but ultimately MY BESTFRIEND... our conversations have been cut short so I guess they growing with others... no more goodnights and sweet goodmornings.... No more long paragraphs about my importance... no more anything no more nothing. I'M HURTING..... MY OTHER HALF IS GONE.... WHERE DID HE GO I DON'T KNOW. MAYBE HE'S OUT ENJOYING SOME OTHER GIRL...... *fade out* how can you change up on THE ONE PERSON WHO WAS THE SINCE DAY ONE... THE PERSON WHO LOVES AND WANTS TO SEE YOU SPROUT AND BE GREAT.... HOW HOW HOW. I was there not them... I helped you NOT THEM. Some may call it jealousy but I say its a man hunt for my bestfriend.... Its like we're in a HUGE dark room and I even with a candle lit I CAN'T FINE YOU. I see all the evil around and the temptation around you. Every door I open I see you in the room with death and temptations..... I try to yell COME TO THE LIGHT... COME HOME.... but the candle dies.... And I'm stuck here in the darkness looking for you.... But i wake up thinking its all a dream... then its hit me. Where is he. Where's my bestfriend. And I look back your in the darkest parts of my dreams. And I turn over.... I close my eyes... cry and whispers.... But that's my bestfriend *pauses* and now he's gone.

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