Chapter 1: Konoha High

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"Hinata, time to wake up!" my little sister Hanabi yells in my ear. "F-Five more minutes " I mumble pulling the cover over my head.

"C'mon Hinata-chan get up or you'll be late for your first day of High School!".
My little says overexcitedly. "Few more minutes" I reply, not in the mood to go to school .

"Get up or I'll tell Naruto that you like him" Hinabi says practically threatening me. I blush upon hearing the name of my crush "Fine" I grumble.

"Good now hurry up" Hanabi says leaving. As soon as the door closes I throw my head back in frustration . "Why do I have to go to school? I'm soo tired"I say talking to myself while getting out of bed.

"I better hurry up, I don't wanna be late" I say striping my clothes off, preparing to get in the shower, then to brush my teeth, get dressed, and to go eat breakfast.
"R-Ready Hinabi it's t-time to go " I say to my little sister tightening my grib on the doornob, ready to open it whenever she's ready to leave.

"Yea I'm ready Hinata" Hinabi says making her way downstairs. "Sorry to have kept you waiting Hinata -chan I had trouble finding my bookbag. "Oh it's ok H-Hinabi" I reply as we drive towards her school in our limo.

"Bye Hinata have a great day" Hinabi says while getting out of the limo making her way towards the front door of her school.
It took about 15 minutes to get to my school from my little sister's. "Well here we our have a wonderful day lady-Hinata" my limo driver says.

"T-Thank you for t-taking me to school". I reply thanking him as I get out of the limo earning a lot of stares from the other students.

I scurry my way towards the front door to my High School, Konoha High witch has all my friends in it. I hope Naruto's in my class I've had the biggest crush on him. I hope he's still not in love with-

" Tsk can you move ?" a familiar yet frightening voice says, interrupting my train of thoughts.

"Oh yea s-sorry" I say as I step aside a blush still visible on my cheeks.
"Hn " is the only thing that I hear as I trail behind the person, walking towards my first class.

Suddenly I bump into the person I was walking behind who just happens to be.

Sasuke, Sasuke Uchiha the most popular boy at Konoha High well that is besides my crush Naruto-kun.

"Why do you want?" He asks me now faces me with beating red eyes staring into my own lavender pupiless ones.

"N-Nothin I'm g-going to class" I say quietly tearing my gaze from him.
"Hn " he says turning around heading towards the classroom up ahead, 3-01 witch is sadly my final destination.

I stand in front of the door for about 20 minutes debating whether I should knock on the door or not before I look at the bright side, maybe Naruto-kun is in there.

I think before I open the door being greeted by my best friend Kiba.
"Hinata-chan!" Kiba exclaimed making all the talking stop almost immediately.

Now everyone was staring at me making me very uncomfortable.
"Oh hi Hinata nice to see you again " Kakashi says as I reply with a simple shy wave.
"Umm u can sit next to ...Sasuke" Kakashi says earning me and him a glare from his fangirls.
I nod in response, before making my way towards my new assigned seat.

"Ok class sense today is the first day of school I've decided to take it easy on you all witch. Basically means u can do whatever.".

Our teacher says yawning while laughter and talking erupts yet again in the once silence filled classroom.
"So Hinata how was your summer?" my best friend Kiba asks.
"It was g-good, how about yours Kiba-kun?" I ask my friend curiously.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2015 ⏰

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