Prologue- The Dream

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The flat prairie land was endless beyond sight. The warm breeze flowed through the skirt of my dress and rustled through the tall grass that tickled my bare ankles. The face of the sky was as blue as can be, and it smiled down on the land below, not a cloud to be seen. There was one single tree in the meadow, and it stood tall, blooming with bright red apples of fire.

I reached for one as the leaves stirred in the wind and my long hair flew behind me. And when I twisted the fruit off its branch, the delicious scent filled the air. I took a bite and the sweet juice seeped through my teeth. I closed my eyes, savouring the taste and then suddenly I felt the apple drop from my hand and when I opened my eyes again everything was gone.

RememberOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora