Lockers and New Friends (Part One)

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Your POV:
As I entered the school building, I said to myself: 'There's an awful lot of kids here. Don't worry (f/n), you can do this. No need to be nervous. They seem nice.'
You were heading to your locker, but as you were walking, someone tripped over you, making you fall with them. The person was on top of you and you were staring straight into their eyes. It was a boy who had darkish blue eyes, brown hair with a red cap on it, and he was wearing a blue hoodie along with his outfit. "Oh my gosh! I'm sorry. I didn't know where I was looking.", the boy said, blushing at his position on top of you. "It's okay.", I said. We got off the floor and dusted off our clothes. "My name is (f/n)(l/n). What's yours?", I asked. "Naota Nandaba.", the boy said. "What grade are you in?", Naota asked. "6.", I replied back. Naota chuckled slightly and smirked a little. "Looks like we're in the same class.", Naota said. My cheeks started to heat up at the fact that I'm gonna be with Naota for the entire school year. 'Calm down, (f/n). I mean, he's just a friend. Play it cool.', I thought to myself. We both walked toward our lockers. I seemed pretty shocked when I realized his locker was right next to mine. After we put our books and stuff into our bags, we walked to our class. Naota sat down at his desk and I sat in the empty one next to his. Other kids started to come in and I was getting nervous and almost broke out in a cold sweat. 'Gosh, so many kids...that I don't know...wait...ARE THEY ALL STARING AT ME?!', I thought to myself. I slightly turned my head around to find a girl with purple hair wearing an orange sweater looking at me with a friendly smile. I smiled back and hesitantly waved hi. She walked towards me and introduced herself. "Hi! I'm Eri Ninamori. I'm the class president and the mayor's daughter. You must be the new kid. What's your name?", the girl asked. I thought to myself before I told her my name, 'SHES THE MAYORS DAUGHTER HOLY FRICK!!!!!!' "My name is (f/n)(l/n).", I replied. "OI NAOTA! IS THAT THE NEW KID SITTING NEXT TO YOU?" I turned my head around fully to see two boys: one with black hair and glasses wearing a varsity jacket and one with light brown hair wearing a light blue shirt and a magenta vest thingy. (IDK😂). As I did Ninomari, I gave them a small smile and waved hi. "Yea, I'm new here. My name is (f/n)(l/n). What are yours?" I asked. "My name is Gaku Manabe. This is Masashi Masamune.", the boy with glasses said, pointing at the light brown haired kid. I turned around slightly to see Naota staring at me with a dreamy look on his face. I chuckled and waved my hand in front of his face. "You okay there, Naota?", Ninamori said. Naota snapped back to reality, blushed a deep pink color on his cheeks, and said, "Wha-uh...yea, I'm fine." The teacher finally arrived and introduced herself. "Welcome back to school, kids! My name is Mrs. Junko. And we have a new student here at Mabase Elementary. Her name is (f/n)(l/n). Now...where is she?", the teacher announced. "I'm right here, Mrs. Junko.", I said, raising my hand so she could notice me. "Welcome to Mabase Elementary, (f/n)! The students sure seem to be pleasured to have you here! Right, kids?", Mrs. Junko said. "YES, MRS. JUNKO!", the class said. I suddenly felt comfortable around my peers. They were all extremely nice to me, especially Naota, Ninamori , Gaku, and Masashi.
Our first two classes were over and it was time for lunch. I got my lunchbag out from the closet and headed out to the cafeteria. "Hey, (f/n)!", Naota called. I stopped in my tracks and turned around to see a running Naota heading towards me. When he caught up to me, he took a few moments to catch his breath. "(F/n), do you wanna sit at lunch with me, Ninamori, Gaku, and Masashi?", Naota asked. "Sure!", I replied. Naota and I walked to the cafeteria and immediately saw Ninamori, Gaku, and Masashi waving at us like maniacs. We chuckled and sprinted towards their table. Lunch was pretty fun. We talked and joked around, which eventually led to Gaku spitting out his juice and him dying laughing as he fell to the floor. After lunch, we went back to class and watched a movie about the 7 (or 8? Idk😂) Wonders of the World. I was too interested in the film that I didn't notice Naota staring at me again, with the same dreamy look on his face like before.

Naota's POV:
The movie was boring to me because I've watched it ever since kindergarten. I turned my head around to see (f/n), her eyes basically glued to the screen. 'She's so damn pretty.', I thought to myself. I started to be in a trance of her gorgeous features, just like before. Luckily, she didn't notice, not even the teacher did. I got out of my trance when the movie ended and the lights were turned back on. I saw (f/n) rub her eyes and stretch in her seat before she turned her eyes to me.

Your POV:
When the movie ended and the lights were turned back on, I rubbed my eyes and stretched. I then turned my head to see Naota. He had a bored look on his face. "The movie bored you?", I asked. "Yea. How are you so interested in this stuff?", Naota said. "I don't know. I just am, I guess.", I replied. "Kids, it's dismissal time! No homework today because it's the first day! Get your things and leave.", Mrs. Junko announced. I quickly went to the closet to get my jacket. I went back to my desk to get my bag and I headed out for my locker. After I put my books and stuff into my locker, I closed it and sprinted towards the door. I saw Naota, Ninamori, Gaku, and Masashi near the stair railing outside. "See you tomorrow guys!", I said while waving goodbye. They all noticed and waved goodbye at me with smiles on their faces. I'm pretty glad I have found myself some new friends. I guess I'm not that shy anymore.

{A/N: this is such a long chapter omfg, but I hope you enjoyed the first part! Part two will come out on Wednesday cuz I'm busy on Monday and Tuesday. Muahsies!✨ ~Keirsten}

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