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"irwin,hood and hemmings,to my office,now."

"geez,what's with her these days?"-calum started.-"like,i get that she is chief of nypd,but does she have to be such a bitch?"- he continued.

"shut the fuck up! she might hear you."- luke whispered.

"will you two please stop talking. i bet it's nothing."- ashton said as they entered their boss's office.

"please,take a seat."- she motioned toward four chairs. there were three of them.

"um,why are here four chairs?"- luke asked.

"um,excuse me."- all four of them turned their heads towards the door,where rather tall figure was standing.

he had pale skin,almost white.
his black hair,which was in serious need of trimming,was falling in his eyes. he didn't wear a proper suit,just a blazer over some black shirt.

"gentleman,this is our new addition to the team."- mrs. dawson said,and still unknown man sat down next to ashton. he whispered a quick hi,but ashton didn't bother to say it back. he just nodded and turned his head once his name was called.

"mr. clifford? are you going to introduce yourself,or should I?- mrs. dawson asked him.

"um,okay. yeah,sure."- he coughed before continuing.

"hi. my name is michael clifford.
but everyone calls me castle. i'm a writer of crime novels and i'm here to help you."

"help us!?"- ashton exclaimed.-"you brought us some writer to help real policeman!?"

"mr. irwin settle down or there would be consequences."-she threatened. ashton wanted to protest,but calum pulled him down and gave him the look that says 'dude shut the f.uck up.'

"as mr.cliffor-"

"castle."- michael interrupted her.

"as castle said..."- she now looked at him,and he just smiled as in saying 'you are doing a great job'.-"he is here to help you. now,that doesn't mean that you are incapable of doing your job,it's just that little help can be useful for everyone. a plus,you've been solving cases slower and slower,and i feel like a brain castle has can be very helpful."-she finished.

all three of them looked at michael. calum judged him and was skeptical,because,well,he is calum. and luke thought he will be a great addition to the team. and he loved his novels. for soon-to-be twenty-nine he fangirled (inside himself of course) a bit too much. and ashton. well he did not approve of michael's presence what-so-ever. he was 'captain' of their team,and having someone to 'help' them,and do reseaech for his newest novel,wasn't such a great idea as mrs. dawson thinks it is.

"okay,castle. go on and help us with this new murder. sounds good?"- ashton said beaming a fake smile at the end.

"wait,n-now?"- michael asked surprised.

"yes. now."- ashton said and calum and luke chuckled when they saw michael's terrified face.

"come on. we got crime to solve."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2015 ⏰

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