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Beer, Minecraft, a few episodes of either Doctor Who or Arrow or even MTV's Scream (Because he would be lying if he said he didn't like it.) . That what Linus counts on when he goes over to Cameron's. Sure, they talked about the deeper stuff, like how Linus was slowly, but inevitably falling in love with Camille, or how Cameron was boderline obsessive when it came to protecting Kirsten. They had laughed, and yelled, and they have vented to each other, but never, never, had Linus seen his friend erupt.

Until now.

Apperently, Kirsten had a boyfriend. And Cameron wasn't taking it particulary well.

"He just randomly comes back after two years, do you not find that a tad bit suspicious?" Cameron asked in a suspiciously jealous tone. Linus shrugged, yeah he thought it was suspicious, and he knew Camille detested this guy, but Linus felt that it went deeper with Cameron.

"Yeah Cameron, it is weird, I'm not denying it, but this is Kirsten we are talking about, she's not about to sellout government secrets to this guy. Even if she let him back in doesn't mean she fully trusts him." He reasoned but Cameron shook his head.

"Linus, of course that means she fully trusts him!" He yelled, slamming his fist into his counter.

"This is Kirsten we are talking about. If you break her trust she doesn't let you back in. She may not feel betrayal but she knows what it is and she has had enough of it happen to her that she doesn't just let people in. I should know." He whispered the last part, almost in defeat.

"This isn't really about the program." Linus realized "You're jealous of Liam!"

Cameron gave him, or tried to give him, a deadpanned look but Linus wasn't buying it. He may not have been socially excellant, but when his best friend was having issues, he wasn't that blind.

"Cameron, you're falling inlove with Kirsten, just like I am Camille." Linus explained and Cameron rolled his eyes.

"You're insane."

"Am I though? You worry about her constantly and you're freaking out over the fact she has a guy in her life. Even if he weren't a scumbbag you be upset."

"I'm not inlove with Kirsten! I just care about her. And I don't want to see her get hurt." He said, quieter than before, but still loudly.

"You've just contradicted your last statement." Linus stated and Cameron sighed, walking to the TV, turning on the new episode of Scream and sat down, signalling the end of the conversation. He failed to notice Linus pull out his phone and message Camille.

He's pretty worked up. Won't be too long.

Cameron tried to focus on the show. He tried to forget that sitting at her house was Kirsten and Liam, most likely making out. Or worse. But try as he might, he couldn't get his mind off the blonde. He looked over at Linus, who was focused intently on the show. Tapping his fingers on his knees he sighed, before grabbing his phone and sending a text to Camille.

Is he still there?

His phone buzzed a few seconds later.

Nope! Left about an hour ago, why?

Cameron sighed quietly, trying to figure out what he was going to say.

Nevermind. He replied. But again a few minutes later he got a reply.

You two should come over.

Cameron's jaw dropped at that and Linus looked over at him.

"Camille invited us over." He said confused, and slightly worried.

"Then why are we still here?"

It was a very good question.

'An even better one,' Cameron thought, as he grabbed his leather jacket and his keys off the counter 'is when will I stop denying that I'm inlove with her?'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2015 ⏰

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