Fanfiction book 2

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"The story of my husband and I"

--I have a secret. An untold secret that no one other then my family. My husband and my two sons. It all happened 15 years ago. It led to my destiny, my husband. This secret it the way I met my husband.--

~"Go to the park. On Saturday January 23. At 2 pm. Stand next to the fountain. And there you will met your destiny." Then the little boy fades away. The same dream has been acquiring for a while now. He has been telling you the same information in every dream. He never answers my questions. I wanted to know who my destiny is and how will I know it's him. Tomorrow is Saturday so I get ready to go. I didn't tell anyone this information, I was scared they will think I'm crazy. It's enough that my nickname at the office is clumsy. I don't want anymore. That night when I went to bed the dream came again but this time with an additional sentence, "Don't be afraid."

It finally Saturday morning, I get dress in jeans and a t-shirt. I go out with my friends for a while then ditched them and headed toward the park at 1. I knew it was too early but I really want to know who my destiny was...I look around like a detective, but of course not looking for criminals I was looking for Mr. Destiny. Just like in the movie Mr. Destiny where she does looking for him, the she was luckier then me I don't know how mine looks like. (But I now know how he looks like...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ... sorry now back to the story.) I look around and I notice that I'm surrounded with couples. I thought that it would help me this way, my destiny will also be alone (more like I hoped he was alone). Then came this handsome guy, with broad shoulders. Looked at my direction and waved, I thought it was unbelievable that its impossible to be him...and I was right. I ended up jinxing myself and I notice he was waving at the girl behind me. I was sad but not for long. (I'm happy it want that guy. Because my husband is way better.) I noticed I was early and it wasn't him, the dream said at two. I noticed that there was this one guy. He been sitting down this whole time with his hat and glasses. I didn't want to go up to him because I thought he was a creep, I felt him stare at me. I was gonna go there and yell at him but that's when the dream replayed in my head, 'Don't be afraid' he said over and over. So I take deep breathes and approach this stranger. We start talking, and we sorta clicked because we sat there talking for hours that our stomachs had to remind us that it's late and past dinner. Laughing and walking he takes me to a restaurant and when we got our table I remembered that I didn't know his name. This stranger (my lovely husband) hasn't told me his name and I haven't to him mine either. I didn't want to make this meeting to be awkward so a try to flow into the name convo into it slowly. He noticed what I was doing and stopped me. He grabbed my hand, for the first time in my life my heart skipped a beat. I know now for sure he is my Mr. Destiny. "I know we just met, this might sound creepy. But I have to confess somethings to you. First is I fell in love with you. Second, I believe you are my Mystery. Third, will shock you, my name is Kai." I started to sweat and get all nervous. My bias from the Exo group has just confessed to me. Kai was holding my hand I freaked out, I was so happy that I felt like I was gonna burst with joy. "Omo... Oppa Kai... you are my... my... Mr. Destiny." I was freaking out so much that I couldn't think clearly. "You had that dream too. That's why you were at the park. You were looking for your destiny that will be waiting for you at the park, right. Right!?" I froze. He also had that dream, it was meant to be. "Ummm, it looks like you didn't have that dream... I just--" "No, I also had that dream. But it's taking me a while for everything to get...soaked into my brain." "Omo, really. I'm so happy... I can finally have a beautiful girl that I can call my own... You're beautiful."

-- And that's how we met. Kai's and my little secret. The coolest part of it all. That little boy, was my sons. I was able to see my son before was married to his father.--

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