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People say you  can choose what you want in life but you can not choose your family, you can choose to leave them but the blood that binds serve has a constant reminder of who you are. I never had one of those it only the image I see in the mirror that serves as a reminder of what I have been, what I am, and what I could be  but the image in the mirror aslo tells lies I would tell you who I  am because this is the life I live...

               written by aroboto ife

At the Reyes house)

KIBRY: (opens the door) wake up dude.(throws pillow on kelay) k,wake up Daniel is here (Daniel enters) Wake your best friend ,
we are running late.(Kibry leaves)

DANIEL:Sleepy head (steps on the bed and starts jumping on it) Dude.

KELAY: Dont call me that ( Daniel still jumping ) stop it (kicks him ,he falls on her) (he looks stright into her eyes) (silence fills the place for a second) (she holds his nose)

DANIEL:(he stands) ouch

KELAY: you are so clumsy, haven't  I woken up

DANIEL: you kicked me,you know what I know why you kicked me you want a taste of me,you should have just asked.

KELAY:(gives a disgusted look) you know what keep on dreaming (daniel looking at her from up to down) (she suddenly notice she was not wearing a bra) (stylishly covers her chest) what are you looking at,hmmm?

DANIEL: were you drooling?

KELAY: (shouts) get out!

DANIEL:werido,any way your big speech is coming up in an hour time and please dont wear that canvas,I stole my sisters flats for you (daniel leaves)

KELAY: idiot noting is wrong with my canvas.
           (Later kealy comes down stairs) (daniel and kibry suprised)

KIBRY:my daughter looks more like a girl when she puts her hair down
       (Kelay notice her hair)
KELAY:shit (packs it up)

DANIEL:K,uncle was just trying to tease you, you stiill look like a pumkin

KELAY: I saw your jaw drop

DANIEL: not true!

KELAY:liar it did

(Emily, liam, sarah, and wacky enters)

LIAM: KD, stop arguing

KELAY:he started it

EMILY: (noices the shoes) is that mine

KELAY:(points at daniel ) he stole it

DANIEL: when you say the truth you just can't stop can you

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2015 ⏰

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