Chapter 1

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I woke up late today, not caring about my school work that I have to get done even though I'm homeschooled. I turned over in my bed to look at my phone. I clicked the lock button and the screen lit up. I had a bunch of texts and I read the time. It was 10:30 A.M. I started reading all the texts I had. An they were all in a new group chat that I apparently got put in while I was sleeping.

Sarah: who does this bitch think she is. She should just go kill herself already.
Max: she fucked me last week. XD
Remmy: I feel sorry for you max. You could do so much better.
Trey: she is a complete whore, I wish she would just die.
Thomas: this fucking slut, I'd laugh if she came back to our school. But really why is she even still alive?
Cass❤️: do y'all seriously have no life so you need to pick on her? Wow.
Addison: I'm glad she's not here. I'd still make fun of her and those stupid clothes of hers. Like who the fuck wears those outfits?! Old people! But I mean I guess that's all she could get since she can't fit into anything else. School time. Peace fuckers✌🏼️

I started crying so hard. Don't these fucking people understand that words hurt. Why don't they care. They're the reason that I cut... I don't cut deep because it can leave scars and scars are permanent but I still cut. I read the last few texts that I had that wasn't in group chat.

Cass❤️: wake up boo, we need to hang out today. Us Homeschooled kids need to stick together. I heard what they've been saying about you and none of it is true. Me and you both know that. I love you. Text me back when you get your lazy ass up from sleeping.

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