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Maddy is going to High School and all of the schools are trying a new system, they will have groups of people that have the same interests and skills. There are the Athletes, the Populars, the Smarts and the Arts. Most fit into a category, if you don't you leave the school. You would be surprised how many people don't fit into these categories, or at least don't have a high enough score in them. So because of this they don't have very many students. Though some fit into more then one. Most fit into two categories at the most typically; athletes and smarts and arts and smarts. Popular a are just.......populars. The ones who fit into more than one category are called pugnacious. Being pugnacious is dangerous, if the principal finds out that you are pugnacious you will be sent to containment outside of the country, no one knows why this happens but will the students at General Gaffney high school find out?

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