Chapter 1

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"What's high school without your life falling apart 2, 3, or 19 times?"
leilani marquez
I didn't want it to be like this. I never asked for this. I held back a scream as I stared at my older brother. "RUBEN JAKE MARQUEZ IM GOING TO MURDER YOU!" I finally screamed and lunged at my brother as he took off upstairs and to his room. He slammed and locked the wooden door as my hand reached for the knob. I pounded my fists on the cold paint of the wooden door as he yelled from the other side. "lei you're being over dramatic, it was a few bites and it was getting old anyway!" You probably thought it was going to be some dramatic issue going on and I will admit I'm slightly dramatic. Okay maybe a lot but this was pizza we're talking about! My favorite in the whole world and he ate it! My last slice til I have to go this stupid diet because i have definitely noticed my slight weight gain. I can't go back and buy more I'm supposed to starting the darn diet in the morning and It's currently 7:37 pm. I slowly back away from the door as I groan loudly enough for jake to hear. "Ughhh Ruben I hate you!" I yelled as he unlocked the door peeking his head through the slight crack he opened. "Oh my dear beloved sister." He sighed sarcastically. I lunged at him as he screamed and closed the door locking it once again. I laughed out loud walking down the hall to my bedroom.

I slipped my phone out of my pocket and walked to the restroom placing it on the bathroom counter. I walked back into my room going through my dresser to find a pair of clothes to sleep in. I grabbed a hoodie and sports bra along with a pair of underwear and black shorts walking back to my bathroom. Grabbing my towel from the shelf and placing it on the towel rack, I turn on my shower to a warm temperature. I go through my phone as the water warms up connecting it to a speaker as comfortable by k camp plays lightly through the speaker. Placing my phone on the counter next to the speaker I make sure the door is locked and strip from my clothes, easing into the warm shower as it hits my tense shoulders.
I fall out of my bed, a loud thump heard through the house as I groan rubbing my head from the impact and the blaring noise from my alarm. i stretch then stand up, going to wash my face then brush my teeth. i begin searching for an outfit, in which i decide on a grey sort of crop top and black leggings. i put my hair up into a ponytail and grab my white vans and head downstairs putting them on, on the way down. nearly falling on my face as my brother's obnoxious best friend mark breaks my fall. "watch your step there Marquez," he says playfully while shaking his head and walking away with a smirk. he's always called me and my brother by our last names, i shake my head and huff, continuing my journey to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

finishing up my bagel, we all grab our stuff and head outside and into my brothers car, on our way to the place i dread the most. school.

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