Warming up

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I have been waiting months for Parker to warm up to me. He's always given me these evil glares and the cold shoulder. it's really getting on my nerves! I have never done anything to him. I've always tried to be the nicest I could be. So what is his problem.

"I don't get it, Lee. Did I do something to him." Lee was reading his magazine. Not paying much attention to me pacing in his dorm room.

"No, but you have to understand Parker doesn't warm up to people easily." He said putting his magazine down. "You just have to give him time."

"Well time's up." I said slamming his door.

I am going to get him to like me no matter what. I could hear Lee's distant calls, but i kept walking. I caught a cab to the University.

You can do this McKenna. Parker is just an ordinary person like you are.

I knocked on his door.

Breathe McKenna Breathe.

"What do you want, McKenna." Parker said in a tired voice. I could tell he just woke up because of his messed up hair and he was only in his boxers.

"I need to talk to you." I said bluntly.

"Why?" He said groaning.

"Just let me in." I said putting my hands on my hips.

"Fine but make it quick I have a headache." He said moving aside to let me in.

Once we both got settled into his bed he said "So what did you want to talk to me about."

"Why do you hate me?" I said looking up at him.

"I don't hate you, McKenna." He said rolling his eyes.

"Then what is it? Why do you always glare at me and you never talk to me? What is it?" I said standing up.

This was getting intense but I didn't care. Parker needs to stop acting like a jerkface.

"Why do I have to talk to you? Your not my girlfriend!" He yelled standing up as I did.

"Well I'm your brothers girlfriend and maybe just maybe you could stop acting like a dick for two seconds to get to know me!" I yelled.

"Why would I want to do that!" He waved his hands in the air.

"Because you don't know who I am! I could be a murderer for all you know!" Now we were screaming this is bad.

"Well are you? No your not cause your too soft to be anything like that." He said gesturing to my body.

"Well that's not the point the point is that I want you to be nicer to me."



"Ugh I can't deal with you anymore." I said heading to the door.

I felt something on my arm.

"McKenna wait." Parker said but I'm through he's just too much. Then I was pulled and crashed into his chest.

"Parker what are you doing." I said breathless.

"Something I should have a long time ago." Then his lips crashed on mine.

I didn't know what to do. I wanted to break away but Parker's hold was too strong. What was he doing? He was cheating on Emily. What would she think about this? They were going to get married.

"Why'd you do that? What about Emily? What about Lee? You just made me cheat on Lee. What is your problem?" Tears were coming out of my eyes.

"Shh Shh Emily broke up with me a week ago. And Lee was cheating on you with Emily. So he's not innocent either." He said holding my arms.

What? Lee was cheating on me after all I've done. I can't believe this. Well if he can cheat on me with some college bimbo then I can have my fun too.

I kissed Parker with all the hurt and pain I had. He automatically returned the kiss. Our lips moving in unison. His tongue licked my bottom lip. I opened my mouth a little to give him entrance. Our tongues did a little dance as I felt his hands travel up and down my figure. I knew that this was too much so I broke the kiss.

"I'm not ready, Parker." He nodded understanding.

"I get it you need time. But will you be my girlfriend so I will be there when you are ready." He said looking at me hopefully.

I couldn't do that. The kiss was for revenge but I couldn't go out with Parker. I just wasn't right. Plus I don't think Parker is really the one for me.

"I can't I'm sorry, Parker. It's not right. I would feel dirty and cheap." Lee might be able to do the deed with his brother's girlfriend but that kinda life wasn't for me.

"Ok McKenna but if you ever and I mean ever change you mind I'm here." He said letting go of me. I couldn't do that I just couldn't.

"Thank you, Parker."

"Your welcome, McKenna. Good bye love." He said with a wink.

"Bye jerkface." I joked laughing.

Now I have to go off on that lying, cheating, bastard of a boyfriend Lee.

I walked this time so I could think of the right words.

I loved him. I cared about him. I tried to work out any problems I had with him and what do I get out of it he cheats on me. And not with just anyone. Emily.

I can't believe she would do this to me. She helped me with the problems I had with Lee. I thought we were best friends. Then she fools around with my boyfriend.

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