An Interview With imaginebeatles

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(It has come to my attention that her account is now gone. This is now more of a tribute interview to the wonderous writer that she was. She will be missed as will her wonderful writing.)

1. How did you discover the Bealtes?

 When I was in grade 5 and a cute boy played imagine for a project we had to do and i fell in love with the music, searched up John Lennon and found The Beatles!

2. How do you find inspiration to keep writing your story I'm Happy Just To Dance With You?

 I always wanted to write a story about The Beatles, and I took experiences and people from real life and turned it into my story.

3. You've already discussed this but do any Beatles or post-Beatles songs have a special meaning to you?

 Ha Imagine because it was the first song, thats all I've got

4. While I've got a good idea about this, who is your favorite Beatle and why?

GEORGE! And because I found he was a bit overlooked, which reminds me of myself a bit. Also he was the quiet one, and most of my favourite Beatles songs (and post beatle songs) are written by him. plus he's cute

5. You're reading the A Gentleman's Valet series. How is it going? amazing. I love that its a bit different because its in a different time, which makes it even cooler. The relationship between Paul and John is very emotional but romantic. Also I find it interesting how the author uses real events in history in her story. 

6. What is your favorite movie with your favorite actor Leonardo DeCaprio?

 That's hard, I loved Titanic. But it wasn't HIS best film, so I'd have to say the Aviator. The acting in that was phenomenal. I'd seriously recommend it

7. Do you have any hobbies besides writing and/or reading?

 I play basketball and volleyball. I golf...but that's not something I enjoy admitting (darn my father for making me learn). I play the piano, and I watch way too many movies (not a hobby, more like a fact.)

8. Do you have any favorite authors?

 Me? Funny? Ha. Yes! I love love love Stephen King to pieces (all time fav writer) but I also like John Green. JK Rowling, Cassandra Clare, Jane Austen and F. Scott Fitzgerald

9. How the ship the RMS Titanic bring you "bad luck" in stories?

 Oh ok, That ship brings nothing but tears and broken hearts. It has taken SO MUCH FROM ME. And by so much, I mean fictional characters who don't exist but i get emotionally attached too.

10. Any more comments?


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