Charcter Info

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Name: Kaiya Tasu
Age: 13
Appearance: Short white hair, Sunset gold eyes, White fox ears with a white tail that has black at the tip
Personality: Emotionless, (To Naruto)Trusting, Motherly to Naruto, Kind,A Protective person
Rank: ANBU Black Ops Captain but then became a Genin
.Host of the Infinite Wolf
.Has her Fathers ANBU mask
. Her name in the Bingo Book is White Fox Savior
.Best Friends with Naruto
.Only Naruto as seen her without her mask so that he saw the blade cut scars
.Used to be a ANBU Captain rank but became a Genin to experience being a kid again(Pretty much forced by the Hokage, not yet though like in the 2nd chapter)
.Amazing Cook
.Owns a little farm
. Poor
.She lives kinda close to Naruto's apartment
. She never knew her family and clan

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