He Said (One Shot)

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In a small city such as ours, a traffic jam rarely so happens. Unfortunately for me, I got stuck in one today. No cabs to take, no bus whatsoever. Nil. Nada. And as if the day hasn't gotten any worse, the rain started pouring heavily. I didn't have an umbrella with me. What's an umbrella, anyway? It's just not in me to bring one. Blah, it just adds weight to my bag.

Anyhow, in no less than a minute, I was soaked. Great. Just great. This is what I get for being so stubborn. It's so cold, it's like I'm freezing. I kept on shivering as I hugged myself trying to get some warmth in my already soaked being.

I looked at the people around me who were also waiting for a free cab or a bus. A bus had stopped one time to take passengers and I tried to squeeze to get in but to no avail. I just got pushed at the back until the bus was already full and left me standing with the rest who didn't also make it. My eyes roamed around again watching everybody as they looked worried on how were they gonna get home. I feel you all people. Cheers. How am I gonna get home now? It was almost dark and my house is like a 30 minutes bus-ride from here. I can't call our house to come and pick me up as they're just gonna get stuck in the traffic jam too.

I sighed as I kicked a small stone lying on the ground. This is crazy. Should've gone home earlier. I was still looking around when I spotted this guy who was wearing a bonnet and an earphone jammed into his ears. He was already dripping wet. But he didn't seem to care. Cool. I eyed his leather jacket which kept him warm inside. While me, it's just me and my long sleeved shirt. He turned to my direction and my eyes silently grew big when I recognized who it was.

Well, I didn't really know him. Let's just say he's familiar. I've been seeing a lot of him. Like I see him everywhere – the mall, here in the bus stop, near our school and sometimes in unexpected places. I admit that he has this striking appearance like he's really good-looking, he's quite tall and had this perfect shape of nose and lips and this boyish hair that every girl just seem to like. So maybe that's the main reason he seemed remarkable to me.

We've also sat beside each other in a bus ride before. It wasn't really a big deal. It just amazed me that we had to sit beside each other out of all the many people he could sit beside with. He smelled good by the way.

As our eyes met, I could see it in his eyes that he sort of recognized me too though he never showed any other sign. He seemed to be a quiet type of person. You know – those snob types of guys who never failed to catch girl's heart. They're kind of popular nowadays.

I tore away my eyes from him and focused on waiting for a bus. But god...there's no bus coming! God, please let me get home. I was so cold I thought I'm going to freeze. And above all, I can't wait to lay in the comfort of my bed.

Once in a while, I casted a glance on him and once I caught him looking back at me but he quickly looked away. Oops. He caught me as well, right? That was awkward. And then this cab showed and he hailed it to stop. Two men joined him in the negotiations and they talked with the driver and finally they got in. He got inside. He'll be on his way home now. While me, I was stuck. I was stuck and I didn't know if what time I'll be able to make it back home. Can I just break down?

I saw him look at me for a brief second before he got inside, by the way. Dude, you could've at least stayed with me or invited me to join you. We're not complete strangers you know. Ugh, who am I kidding?

I gave up. I was just gonna call home, tell them I'm staying here for the night, probably rent a hotel room or somehing. And that I'll be home tomorrow safe and sound. Yeah. That's a good idea. Because any minute now, I'd die in this cold, cold rain.

I checked my phone. Dead battery. Great! Can this get any worse?! Universe?! Hello?!

I threw my hands up in the air in frustration and shoved my phone inside my bag. I spun to my right to look for a hotel where I could spend the night. I'll just make a phone call there. So I started wandering, with the heavy rain still pouring and all. Remember this is a small city where there's not that great numbers of hotel. So good luck to me in finding one.

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