Love is Blind <3

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My first story here. Hope you like it. marcelinenerd helped me with it

I swipe my foot across the ground to get an idea of where the target is the, vibrations make a sort of view of my surroundings, I point the bow upwards to where the vibrations from the target are, take a deep breath, and shoot. I can feel the atoms move as the arrow flies through the air. A sort of plunk I hear as the arrow either hits the the target or something else.

“Wow! Good job Jeanie!” my father the famous hawkeye exclaims.

“Thanks.” I reply.

I sigh not knowing that it was out loud.

“What was that for Jeanie?” He asks charitably.

“I guess I’m just a bit nervous about starting at Avengers Academy tomorrow, I’m scared people will tease me about being blind and stuff.” I  said

My mom walked into the room “Well if they do then you can just threaten them that you have the two super asasins for parents.”

“That doesn't work because the other kids have other superhero parents too”I countered.

“Well maybe some time in school you might just hear my stiletto heels in the halls.” she replied.

My phone vibrates, I take it out of my pocket and answer “Hello? Oh hey, k I’ll ask.”

“Can I go over to Scarlett’s?” I ask.

“Sure Jeanie” said both my parents simultaneously

I walked out and saw that scarlett had sent a limo

“Hey, Jarvis” I say to the chauffeur as I walk into the limo.

“Hello miss Barton,” said jarvis

“Please call me Jean” I return.

coment and review please did you like it? comments would be much apreciated

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