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Tina's POV:

Eric moved my hair over my shoulder as he stood behind me and clipped the back of my necklace up. I looked at the reflection of us in the mirror in front of me as he snaked his arms around my waist and planted a kiss on the back of my neck.

I took a deep breath in "I'm nervous."  I said as I let out a shaky sigh.
Eric is taking me to the opening of the Bette Porter gallery tonight so he can meet some of these big art collectors, just like himself. I don't know what's putting me off, maybe the idea of being in an environment filled with lots of people I don't know. The idea of it just makes me queasy.
"You'll be fine. I'll be waiting in the car" he said trying to sooth me as he placed one last kiss on the back of my neck.

We soon arrived at the gallery and Eric being the gentleman he is came to my side and opened the car door for me. The more I thought about heading into that building the more I felt like I was going to pass out.
"Let's go princess" he said in an inpatient manner.
Eric was a great guy, no doubt about that. He treats me well and he has such a kind heart. I just feel like there's something missing. There's a hole that still needs to be filled by something. I couldn't be regretting any choices though.

We stepped into the gallery and Eric placed his hand on the small of my back. I couldn't quite concentrate on anything. People were crowding round different pieces of art work, champagne glasses in their hands and roars of conversation and laughter coming from every direction. 
"Bette Porter." Eric stated, pointing to the other side of the room. "Just the woman I need to speak to, c'mon" his hand remained on my back as he led me towards the direction he wanted. I don't know which woman he was talking about as I have no clue what this Bette Porter woman looks like, I've only heard about her from what Eric has told me. Which isn't much.

"Excuse me, Bette" Eric said in a soft tone to the woman who's back was facing us.
"This is my girlfriend Tina Kennard."
As Eric began to speak Bette turned around and I was taken aback. She was beautiful. She stared at me for a few seconds before looking back to Eric.
"She heads up development in Alphaville." He continued.
I locked eyes with her for several short seconds before Eric spoke up again.
"Tina, Bette Porter" he let out as a sign for me to introduce myself.
We regained eye contact and Bette held out her hand.
"Nice to meet you." She introduced herself to me in a beautifully soft tone. Calming to say the least. Her voice was just as beautiful as her looks. What am I thinking?
"Hi, nice to meet you." I nervously introduced myself as I shook her hand.
It was impossible to take my eyes off of her.

"Bette, we were wondering, how would Catherine Opie feel about us blowing up that print there to about five-by-six feet?" Eric questioned Bette Porter who had a beautiful smile painted across her face. And she turned her head to look around the room I moved my eyes towards her outfit, it was gorgeous.. Her body looked amazing in it.
"Well, why don't you ask her yourself? She's right over there" Bette explained to Eric as she pointed to a woman behind her.
Eric smiled and before he could ask me to come with him I let out a little giggle. "I think I'll just stay here."
"Okay. Excellent." Eric said as he looked at Bette and walked away

I fiddled with my necklace out of pure nervousness which I think Bette noticed.
"Are you okay?" She stared directly into my eyes and asked the question with actual emotion in her voice. Like she cared, which is weird, but I like it.
"Y-yeah of course" I stuttered and smiled. She placed her fingers on my hand to remove my hands from my necklace. Her touch sent a huge wave of electricity through my body and I honestly felt butterflies. This is so abnormal to me, I can't find her attractive. I like men.
"You're fiddling with your necklace. You're nervous." She smiled at me.
"Yeah, I guess. I don't - I don't know, I guess it's just the amount of people here. It's a different environment for me, don't mind me" I said as I let out a nervous laugh. Bette reached over to the little table next to us and collected a plastic cup. She held it up to the water machine and handed me it.
"Drink this. It'll calm your nerves."
"Thank-y" - "Tina. You ready?" Eric bounced back over to us and interrupted.

I looked down at the floor and then back up at Bette with sad eyes. Not intentionally it's just we didn't really get to spend much time getting to know each other.
"Yeah. I suppose" I replied.
"Well Bette. It was nice to see you again. Thank you for your help." Eric spoke up.
"You're welcome. Are you both busy tomorrow evening?" Bette asked in a curious tone as she moved her eyes between Eric and me waiting for an answer.
Eric looked at me and I shook my head to him.
"No. We have no plans as of yet" Eric said as he put his arm around my waist. As I was looking at Bette, her eyes moved to my waist as she seen him put his arm there, she looked highly unimpressed and I don't know why.
Bette took a small square of card from her front pocket and handed it to Eric. It was an invitation.
"I'd love for you both to come to my artist dinner. It'd be lovely to see you both again" Bette smiled cheerfully as she looked at me.
"We would love to." I accepted the invitation before Eric. 
"Good. See you tomorrow." She said. She put her hand out and Eric shook it and kissed her on both cheeks.
I was mesmerised by her.
She then put her hand out for me. "Tina." She smiled as I took her hand to shake. She pulled me in gently and leaned in towards me cheek. She placed a kiss on one cheek and then the other, the second time it was a little closer to my lip compared to the other side but I'm sure she didn't mean it. I smiled at Bette and didn't realise how long we were staring at each other for.
"See you tomorrow Bette." Eric said as he placed his hand on my waist and walked me out.
I got into the car and let out a long exhale.
"did you enjoy your night?" Eric said as he put the keys into the ignition and turned to look at me.
"Yeah, I did actually." I said smiling.

We pulled up to the driveway and Eric stopped the car. We have been together a few months now. After tonight's events I am glad to be home. I need time to reflect.

Bette's POV:

That was a long day. I rub a drop of moisturiser between my palms and wipe the excess onto my shoulders.
I pull the duvet up and climb inside the bed.
'Ring ring'
"What does Alice want?" I mutter to myself.
"Hi Bette!" She says eagerly on the other side of the line. She's happy.
"What do you want, it's 11:50?" I complained.
Alice sighed down the phone. "Aw.. Cmon Bette, don't give me that! I saw today, that cute girl you were talking to. Alice knows all."
Shit. Was it noticeable?
"Bette. Don't ignore me." She instructed.
"Yep! I hear ya, what about her?"
"You were into her. I know you too damn well for you to say you weren't interested. So what's gonna happen?"
Alice never keeps her mouth shut. I wish I made it less noticeable now everyone is gonna be questioning tomorrow morning at The Planet.
"Nothing. Nothing is going to happen. I invited her to my artist dinner tomorrow."
"Wow.. That's big. We all know those invites are really hard to get a hold of. She must feel pretty special" she laughed down the phone.
"It's just a nice gesture. Plus she's straight and has a boyfriend. That's a no go, we know the rules."
"Ha! Well.. We will see, see ya tomorrow" she said as she hung up the call and the line went dead.

I turned onto my back and stared up at the ceiling. I can't be feeling this way. Tina was beyond absolutely drop dead gorgeous. And to my luck she's straight and clearly not interested. I don't know why I gave them the damn invite tonight. She's not interested and I don't even like Eric. I let out a huge sigh and closed my eyes.

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