Chapter 1

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With a yawn, you readjusted the flashlight on your shoulder. You just had to get an A on the science finals if you had any hope of getting a scholarship. It was only junior year, but your parents had been pressing you for straight A's and perfection since middle school. They wanted you to be a lawyer like the both of them, but science, to be a surgeon was your dream, so you secretly applied for scientific colleges out of state in preparation for senior year and graduation. You stared at the anatomy textbook in your lap. You had to known every organ and structure of a cat, frog, fish, dog, shark, bird, and human, along with countless information. You were so focused on studying that you didn't even notice the figure sitting in the tree outside your window, watching you. You stayed up studying until the ungodly hour of two a.m. You still needed sleep. The creature watched the light go off and his unnatural "sight" adjusted to the darkness as you curled up on your side. After about an hour, you started having those awful nightmares again. The demon frowned in sadness, watching your face wither in fear and pain. So badly he wished he knew what was going on in your little genius mind, and he knew that your fear of failure and high stress levels caused these nightmares often. Swiftly, he climbed down the tree to your window and slipped in silently, and shut the window, thanking the above that you were a deep sleeper. He lifted the covers and slipped in behind you, wrapping an arm around your waist. After several minutes, your tense body relaxed into his hold, causing him to smile slightly. You were completely unaware that the one and only Eyeless Jack was cuddling with you in your sleep. After a while, your breathing evened out, and with a burst of lust he slipped of his mask, setting it on your nightstand. He gently pulled you closer, tucking his face into the back of your neck, breathing in your scent and holding you protectively. He stayed like that until he mentally sighed, knowing that your sleep cycle would cause you to wake soon. He climbed out, gently kissed your forehead, and skipped his mask back on before setting a blue rose on your desk as he disappeared. You awoke and rubbed your eyes not ten minutes after you unknown admirer had slipped away. In your dream, it had started as a nightmare, but in the middle of it, a figure with deep blue eyes had swept you away, taking you to a dark, yet calming place to hold you until he faded into a mist, leaving nothing but a few blue rose petals in his place. You blinked, glancing at your desk, spotting the blue rose. "He's real?" You whisper with a smile

The Blue Rose (Eyeless Jack x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now