1. A Quick Friendship

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It's only been two weeks since I started training with the army in Texas, and I am literally mind-blown by everything they have made me do, and what others are doing. It's only been four weeks, and I feel mentally, physically, and emotionally stronger. During my first week, when I was in a small break, I saw soldiers getting in gas chambers and saw how much they struggled and if they failed to complete their task, they would have to go through the gas chamber again. Even though I was somewhat of a strong person, I've always been somewhat sensitive for others, so I nearly cried.

But I moved all the negative thoughts and feelings, and replaced them with the positive ones. I am getting more benefit than what I thought from this training. But there was one thing I could not do. I could let this training change me physically. Why? Because this is all for a picture, and we already shot most of it back in the studio a month ago. I could change a bit, but nothing that will make me look completely different than what the camera already has. And that was a lot harder than I thought it would be.

On top of that, I had lines to reread and a character to study again so I could portray the character's development smoothly. I wasn't getting stressed until something I didn't want happened.

I grew two inches.

I was in a picture with Montgomery Cliff, who is 5'10, and I am mostly seen to reach his nose because I was 5'7. Now I will probably reach his eyebrows or forehead. Oh my gosh, how am I going to explain this?

I called Yvaine, who was my manager, and explained the situation.

"Oh Adeline, it's not that big of a deal. I mean when it all comes together, it will be al blended and no one will notice." Yvaine said a bit calmly and even chuckled hearing me overthink.

"But I was told not to change drastically! Two inches is a lot!" I pressed.

"Listen, it's not your fault that your body decided to grow. You don't just tell your body to grow two inches, you are just naturally developing. You cannot blame yourself for that, now I will talk to the producers, and if it is a problem, they will have a solution." Yvaine said.

"Are you sure?" I asked wanting to feel relief.


And with that, I could breathe without any issues. We kept talking, caught up about life, and just talked for a bit. I have one of the best managers, no joke. Yvaine is nice, understanding, and is amazing at her job. Above all, she is my friend as well. I am so lucky I didn't get one of those bossy, and mean managers. Well I did, but my dad and I fired him because he didn't let me do the films I wanted and because he wanted me to take energy pills. Yvaine on the other hand, does not encourage me to take any kind of pills- no diet, energy, sleeping, or anything. She told me that she made people research and told my family and I that one could get addicted, with that my dad forbid me near the pills. Plus, they make you unhealthy, and look older. (Another reason to love her is that she even helps me pick out clothes, shops with me, helps me with makeup, boys, and everything. She is literally like my best friend/sister, and is considered to be part of the family. Yvaine is also very young, she's like twenty eight.)

I put the phone back, and went to go eat lunch. I got along with a lot of the people in the basic training, and I even got to meet people who were actors, singers, and dancers who planned to serve. One of them was Elvis Presley.

Now, I knew who Elvis was, but I actually didn't get into him. Not that I didn't like his music- he had an amazing and unique voice. But I only heard him on the radio, or when my mom would play a record. And I heard that he was into acting. That's how we met. He was filming King Creole in the studio, and we became friends. Well, when we met, he seemed shy, and when I tried to talk to him, I felt like I was over talking. But then we then saw something, and we commented the same thing at the same time. That broke the ice, and we started laughing. When I heard him laugh, I couldn't help but keep on laughing because he was so contagious-like a yawn. Weird as it sounded, the thought made me laugh.

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