The Estranged Outsourcing

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"Ping!" I see the monitor with a hope that it is them...

But that is my boss asking me for some work again!

I look at the time on the screen; they should be up alright...

I pick the phone and try to call, maybe not at this time!

I look out of the window; there are piles of snow...

Kids along with their moms and dads making angels of snow!

I see the happy faces and wonder,

Would I ever belong here?

Alien, that's what they call me!

 No offense there really, 'coz that's how it feels.

I check my monitor again,

I see them online!

Never thought a green circle could make my face light up instantly...

Leaving behind the pressure, fatigue and loneliness I smile!

I see them huddled up in front of the camera for me... dressed up too!

"Happy Diwali!" they shout... with water filling the brims of their eyes...

I felt my eyes well up too... wishing them!

With the pride of achievement masking the emotion,

Goes the conversation that follows...

Never uttering the words "I miss you"

We show each other what we would wear...

They rush me to sleep... I say some more

But I know what comes next, so had to leave it there...

Switching off the chat reluctantly...

Bidding the last good byes after the last next to it,

I seem to recollect a memory now,

Of nephews and nieces and cousins and brothers,

Of family!

It seems distant now, an oblivion!

Looking at the clock strike 12, I had to set my alarm not to be late to the office next day!

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